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Kubota Masataka and Mizukawa Asami Announce Marriage

Source: Girls Channel, Sponichi Annex

Kubota Masataka (31) and Mizukawa Asami (36) are married. Dated for two years after co-starring in drama. "We want to build a lively and fun family"

1. [+2362 / -97]

Actor Kubota Masataka (31) and actress Mizukawa Masami (36) announced that they married on the 21st. Mizukawa is not pregnant at this time. They dated for approximately 2 years. They began dating after co-starring in the 2017 Fuji Television drama "Bokutachi ga Yarimashita" (Fujitive Boys). 

"We want to work harder than we ever have to aim for even greater heights as actors while building a lively and fun family together."

58. [+194 / -4]
Kubota-san looks like a grandpa.

125. [+61 / -7]
Woah, look at his wrinkles

2. [+1885 / -36]
Congratulations (^^)

5. [+1731 / -83]
The age difference is bigger than I thought it was.

40. [+1041 / -50]
You say that but it's just a five year difference
They're both in their 30's but if the female is older, someone always comments on it.
I don't think they would want to hear that at this happy time.

7. [+796 / -48]
I've liked Kubota-kun since Himomen


8. [+1452 / -25]
It was true. I'm surprised.

9. [+1989 / -35]
I think Kubota-kun suits an older wife! I wish them happiness!

10. [+1042 / -15]
The Cyzo article was true!

11. [+1439 / -56]
Kubota-kun, congratulations on your marriage❕
Please make a happy family🎉

I will always be supporting you😸

From a Kubota-kun fan

12. [+1326 / -9]
So he decided to marry before the Asadora

13. [+664 / -25]
Good luck on "Yell"
*2020 Asadora starring Kubota

14. [+1281 / -130]
It doesn't seem like she's pregnant so I'm glad they won't be bashed for having a shotgun marriage.

15. [+490 / -37]
They suit each other! I wish them happiness.

16. [+619 / -23]
Was there no better photo of Kubota-kun?

44. [+112 / -16]
He's smiling brightly, I think it's a good photo.

17. [+520 / -17]
Finally, an official announcement!!

18. [+774 / -31]
I liked Kubota-kun so I'm going to feel depressed for the whole day~!
Congratulations though

19. [+637 / -11]
I guess they decided to get married before he got busy with the Asadora.

21. [+461 / -28]
Did Kubota-kun's face change?

22. [+125 / -187]
He suits Tabe-chan...

27. [+438 / -307]
Congratulations Kubota-kun!

This has given me a good reason to stop being a fan!!
Selling everything.

30. [+560 / -26]
Looking forward to Himura Hideo
*2019 drama starring Kubota

31. [+1269 / -345]
Surprised she's unpopular here but I love Mizukawa Asami-san.
I like her unique voice and her face.
She has a lot of dating experience so it seems like she'll quickly settle down now that she's married.

I saw Kubota-san on a talk show and he seems like a cheerful person, he gives off a good impression!

I wish them happiness~

32. [+600 / -19]
Congratulations! When I found out they were dating, I thought they were a surprising pair, but Kubota-kun does suit an older wife.
Work hard on the Asadora

33. [+40 / -73]
Their features are kind of similar

38. [+487 / -33]
I heard Mizukawa Asami is good at cooking

42. [+491 / -246]
Mizukawa Asami doesn't look 36, super beautiful.

46. [+619 / -20]
I always end up watching his dramas for some reason. Congratulations on your marriage!
They won't be able to see each other much once the Asadora starts, so I guess that's why they decided to marry now.
I hope for his continued success!

50. [+460 / -39]
When I think of Mizukawa Asami, Aiba-kun springs to mind
She's already 35, time flies

272. [+62 / -4]
I think of Koide Keisuke w

443. [+53 / -1]
Daito Shunsuke for me

57. [+381 / -6]

71. >>57
I have a better opinion of him because he didn't go for Nagano Mei.
I'm sure Mizukawa Asami is a really attractive person though.

761. >>71
Dude, she's still a teenager... That's just wrong.
*Nagano Mei was 16 in Fujitive Boys.

76. [+207 / -10]
I wish you happiness!
I'll always be your fan
I'm supporting you!

77. [+18 / -59]
I thought Mizukawa Asami was in her 20's so I'm shocked that she's 36. Congratulations.

79. [+265 / -13]
In the other topic, Kubota's fans are furiously bashing Mizukawa Asami. It's really scary. Actors have a lot of crazy fans.

83. [+254 / -16]
Shocked!!! I like his angular side profile.

85. [+192 / -69]
The people saying they're going to stop being a fan and that they're never going to get over it, they're just saying that to be dramatic, right?
If there are people out there that actually think that, they're just pathetic...

92. [+117 / -48]
Mizukawa Asami huh--
His vocabulary is probably going to become very colourful.

94. [+180 / -3]
I wish them happiness!

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