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Greta Thunberg Delivers Speech at United Nations Summit

Source: Jiji, Girls Channel

"Betrayal" "We Will Never Forgive You" Greta Thunberg Delivers Angry Speech at United Nations Climate Action Summit

1. [+80 / -545]

On September 24, Swedish climate activist, Greta Thunberg (16) gave a speech to the world leaders at the United Nations Climate Action summit.

Greta, who took time off school to protest about climate change said, "This is all wrong. I shouldn’t be up here. I should be back in school on the other side of the ocean. Yet you all come to us young people for hope? How dare you!"

She expressed her anger towards the politicians and business community, "We are in the beginning of a mass extinction. And all you can talk about is money and fairytales of eternal economic growth. How dare you!"

"Because if you fully understood the situation and still kept on failing to act, then you would be evil."

"You are failing us. But the young people are starting to understand your betrayal. The eyes of all future generations are upon you. And if you choose to fail us I say we will never forgive you. We will not let you get away with this.
Right here, right now is where we draw the line. The world is waking up. And change is coming, whether you like it or not."

Environmental minister, Koizumi Shinjiro also attended but did not give a speech. The UN secretary general, António Guterres had asked for concrete plans to counter global warning, not just speeches. Before the summit, some overseas media outlets reported that Japan, who has continued using coal thermal-power generation, which produces high CO2 emissions, was not chosen to deliver a speech.

In New York, on September 22, Koizumi denied the validity of those reports in front of a group of reporters. He explained that Japan was also offered to make a speech, but Prime Minister Abe Shinzo was unable to fit the summit in his schedule, and only speeches from world leaders are accepted.

2. [+955 / -63]
Reminds me of Yutapon?

3. [+1504 / -23]
First, do something about the adults around her.
She's being used.

4. [+640 / -56]
She's watched too much Ghibli.

5. [+1193 / -14]
Hope she's not being used by someone

6. [+1083 / -18]
Is it okay for her not to go to school?

7. [+2013 / -37]
I'm disgusted at how cynical I am, but her words just don't really resonate with me.
I wonder why.

20. [+654 / -28]
She should do this after she has at least finished studying and left school.

35. [+570 / -17]
I get what you mean~
She's kinda annoying

8. [+1143 / -27]
Seems kinda shady

9. [+616 / -41]
Listen carefully America and China!

10. [+427 / -20]
Is she being made to say this?

11. [+869 / -21]
Isn't it natural for people in the financial world to talk about economics...?

12. [+832 / -16]
I know that it's none of my business but is it okay for her miss school?

13. [+697 / -12]
Is she being used by weird adults?

23. [+174 / -4]
Yeah, probably...

14. [+1296 / -92]
There will naturally be mixed opinions about what she said but being able to confidently voice her own opinions at 16, in her own words in front of the United Nations is an incredible feat.
A certain "seyy poet" should take a lesson from her. LOL

Koizumi Shinjiro made a speech at a UN environment-related event on September 22. At a press conference before that speech, he said, "A big scale issue like climate change, it's gotta be fun, like, it's gotta be cool, it's gotta be seyy, too." (via TV Asahi)

Reuters reported on Koizumi's pledge to make the climate change fight 'seyy'. According to TV Asahi, Reuters expressed skepticism towards the Japanese government's efforts towards tackling climate change, pointing out that Japan is not due to speak at the upcoming United Nations Climate Change summit, and that Japan has been building more coal powered generators.
Reuters article: "Make climate fight 'seyy,' says Japan's new environmental minister"

27. [+532 / -2]
Shinjiro is a real idiot

38. [+543 / -6]
Just before this person said in an interview:
"We can't go on like this.
That's why Japan also can't go on like this."
Why did he say the same thing twice?

45. [+242 / -12]
Seriously shut up, shjt for brains
You're a disgrace to Japan.

15. [+1140 / -26]
This may sound harsh but you can tell how young she is, in a bad way, by how pushy she is and how she has complete faith in her own justice.
Personally, this instinctively makes me dubious.

16. [+517 / -12]
You should go to school.

17. [+888 / -35]
>>Took time off school to protest against climate change

I understand that she's advocating her point but it sounds like something lots of kids will use as an excuse to skip school.

18. [+646 / -24]
She's doing a good job but I'm worried that she's too obtrusive and people will start targeting her life just like Malala-san*.
*Malala Yousafzai

19. [+766 / -37]
If you think that you should be at school then why don't you go?

21. [+693 / -15]
These are probably her true feelings but I can't help but think that an adult convinced her into it. Especially since it's more symbolic when it's a young girl saying it.

22. [+114 / -8]
The article not so much, but the thread title is scary.

24. [+439 / -24]
Does she want to make everyone think that environmental activists are all crazy?

26. [+265 / -16]
She's different from Malala-san.

28. [+815 / -26]
I understand that as it's a young kid saying it, it's conveying the message, "Pull yourselves together for the sake of future generations."
But the moment this young kid said "If you betray us we will never forgive you"*, I went "HUH?"
*Japanese: "If you choose to betray us we will never forgive you ."
Actual Quote: "If you choose to fail us I say we will never forgive you."

29. [+796 / -6]
I read news about her somewhere else, but this person travels in a large yacht -- the latest eco-friendly model. Reeks of adult money...

34. [+692 / -11]
The same stench as anti-whaling organisations.

30. [+116 / -5]
Environmental activities should be seyy, yo.

31. [+377 / -17]
Either aiming for the Nobel Prize, or wants to be famous, or wants money

36. [+507 / -13]
The only thing this kid is doing is complaining. Has she thought up of any measures to counter climate change?

39. [+468 / -6]
I don't think that it's good for a kid to be known all around the world in this way.

It would be better if she does this after she studies and becomes an adult, and is in the position to take responsibility for her own words and actions.

41. [+421 / -9]
The words she used were too forceful, it overshadowed the content of her speech.

43. [+344 / -4]
Persuading people requires time and patience. No one's going to follow you if you flip out over every little thing.

46. [+55 / -138]
Being used? Bullshjt.
This kid started striking by herself even before the world started supporting her.
If global warming continues, the sea levels will rise, there will be abnormal weather, the ecosystem will collapse and the earth will become uninhabitable.
In the near future, we won't even have the basic necessities in life let alone go to school.
Making fun of young people who have no choice but to take action, you people are on the same level as Shinjiro.

62. [+23 / -69]
This child deserves extreme praise.

47. [+349 / -13]
Instead of saying things that were formed by confirmation bias, right now at sixteen, she should try listening to the opinions of politicians and business people, as well the opinions of all sorts of different people, and see everything from a bird's eye view.

50. [+377 / -2]
The UN itself is shady, and the environmental groups are full of people who are doing it for the material benefits they get from fighting for their cause, they don't have a good image.

For example, charging fees for garbage collection bags*, solar panels, the global warming theory organisations, etc.

Everyone is acting in their own interest.
*Many cities in Japan require garbage to be placed in designated garbage bags for collection. These bags can be bought at supermarkets, convenience stores, etc. In Tokyo, ten 40L bags for burnable garbage costs 640 yen.

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