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New President of Johnny & Associates is Julie Fujishima, Vice President is Takizawa Hideaki

Source: Nikkan Sports

The president of Johnny & Associates, Johnny Kitagawa passed away in July. On September 27, the new presidents and directors were announced on Johnny & Associates' official website.

Johnny Kitagawa's niece Julie Fujishima (53), former vice-president, has assumed the post of president. Takizawa Hideaki (37) has assumed the post of vice-president. Kitagawa's sister and former vice-president Mary Kitagawa (Fujishima) (92) has assumed the post of chairman.

Takizawa retired from show business at the end of last year to work behind the scenes to produce and train Johnny's Juniors. This year in January he became the president of a subsidiary of Johnny & Associates, "Johnnys' Island."

New staff positions (September 9, 2019)

Chairperson: Mary Yasuko Fujishima
President: Julie Keiko Fujishima
Vice-President: Shirahase Suguru
Vice-President: Takizawa Hideaki

Source: Yahoo! News Japan

1. [+22688 / -2314]
Look forward to seeing how many people will revolt.

2. [+21448 / -3526]
Can't wait for the day TV stations freeze-out Johnny's.

3. [+14288 / -2514]
Many people seem to be misunderstanding something, Takizawa Hideaki became the president of a branch company of Johnny's.

[+1681 / -11]
Doesn't it say Tackey is holding two positions -- "Johnny's Island president" and "Johnny & Associates vice-president"?

[+1237 / -26]
Sorry but I think you're the one who has misunderstood!

5. [+6534 / -393]
Will they continue down the path of ruin...?

7. [+4705 / -208]
Everyone joined the company because they idolised The Father so they won't stay unless the new higher-ups are extremely competent.

6. [+4546 / -273]
She became president, her greatest wish, the position she wanted so much that she destroyed her competition.
How many people has she hurt so far?
I look forward to seeing what is to come.

8. [+4294 / -164]
To begin with, the company became what it is today because of Johnny-san's ability to pick out talent.
Julie-san, who doesn't have that ability, has now become the president.
Even if they can maintain the current status quo, I don't think they'll be able to discover new stars.
There will probably be a considerable number of people who will oppose Julie-san and leave.

9. [+3367 / -171]
How will this company, which grew big under Johnny-san, turn out after Julie-san takes charge?
I hope she trains and manages the talents properly, while keeping up with the times and keeping the good qualities that Johnny-san established.
So Takizawa-san is the president of Johnny's Island and vice-president of the main company now, right?

Source: Girls Channel

1. [+93 / -228]
[Link to Article]

2. [+1357 / -90]
They're already over.

3. [+724 / -141]
Don't need Johnny's

4. [+457 / -51]
Don't care

5. [+1183 / -83]
Johnny & Associates is doomed.

6. [+629 / -47]
That's not good

7. [+1385 / -17]
Tackey's gonna be vice-prez, huh.

8. [+613 / -15]
Is Julie Mary-san's daughter?

9. [+1371 / -8]
So Tackey holds two positions, president of the Junior company and vice-president of Johnny's?

10. [+79 / -107]
Hm? Tackey didn't become president??

12. [+1095 / -25]
Does Tackey have the popularity and ability to be a leader?

13. [+1541 / -42]
I don't think Mary and Julie will be able to achieve what Johnny accomplished while he was alive.
But I think Tackey will work hard (because he's young)

14. [+374 / -80]
The beginning of the end

15. [+1058 / -10]
Tackey's going to be the vice-president of Johnny's as well as take care of Juniors. Seems like a lot of work.

16. [+899 / -15]
Caption: Forbidden Love with Vice President of Tiffany & Co

17. [+737 / -14]
How old is Julie?
Looking at her age, it looks like Tackey's going to become the president soon.

Which groups belong to Julie's faction?
Will they give the groups in Julie's faction preferential treatment?

18. [+11 / -119]
With this, Johnny's will now start to rise!🙌

19. [+515 / -36]
Get the feeling they're going to fail.

20. [+685 / -4]
Hey, Mary-san is pretty long-lived.

21. [+151 / -10]
Johnny's threads always have lots of pages.
I wonder if it's because there are lots of Johnny-wotas here.

22. [+735 / -17]
When a position passed down to family members, the company fails unless they're extremely capable. Johnny-san was able to come this far in the first place because of his talent so they're already doomed.

25. [+371 / -117]
Isn't it impossible for uneducated Tackey?

26. [+355 / -16]
Are they going to kick Matchy out?

27. [+640 / -20]
I think Tackey will just be a figurehead without any real power.

29. [+668 / -15]
Tackey's the vice president??
That's a huge promotion!

34. [+483 / -18]
Seems like the way Julie-san treats her favourites is completely different from those who are not.

35. [+726 / -25]
But Tackey is an actor in the end.
He has no sense as a producer.
Looks like he's just gorioshi-ing the Juniors.

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