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Tsuchiya Tao's Sister Honoka Wins Miss Japan Tokyo

Source: Sports Hochi, Yahoo! News Japan

Tsuchiya Tao's sister Honoka chosen to represent Tokyo at the Miss Japan contest

On the 3rd, Tsuchiya Honoka (26), an office worker and the older sister of actress Tsuchiya Tao (24), participated in the final screening round of the 2019 Miss Japan Tokyo tournament held at Cerulean Tower Tokyu Hotel in Shibuya, Tokyo, and was chosen to be Tokyo's representative.

After graduating from Meiji University, she joined Fujitsu's cheerleading team, the Frontierettes. During the swimsuit competition, she said, "Traditional Japanese dance and cheer spirit, I have studied and practised arts from two different cultures. Using these experiences as my wings, I want to become a woman who can touch the hearts of a large number of people and make smiles bloom". Standing at 155 cm tall, she was the shortest of the 21 remaining contestants, but she radiated the greatest aura.

In the subsequent question and answer session, businessman Mr. Horie Takafumi, one of the judges, asked her how she would spend the 10 million yen prize money if she won the Japan competition. She answered while looking troubled, "I've never had that much money before so I'm still thinking about it but... My family has never been on a vacation overseas so in return for my parents kindness I want to travel overseas with my family". Mr. Horie quipped, "Well then you'll never use it all up", and the other judges countered with, "Moon! She can use the rest to go to the moon", causing everyone in the venue to laugh.

The representatives from all 47 prefectures gathered together. The Japan contest will be held on September 11.

1. [+22838 / -1734]
Her brother and sister both have amazing names too.
I wonder what the parents were feeling when they decided to use the 炎 (flame/blaze) character for their child.

2. [+22006 / -2369]
Crap... I thought she looked like Silk-nee-san at first and now that's all I can see.
[+469 / -12]
Silk-nee-san's face is way smaller!

[+490 / -6]
No~ She looks like her.
Like Silk-nee-san.

[+578 / -6]
It's true, it's Silk-nee-san...

3. [+14594 / -1718]
Without the Ruby*, I would've never read it as Honoka.
This is a kirakira name, isn't it?
*Smaller hiragana readings of kanji usually above or to the side of the kanji.

4. [+9853 / -391]
I would understand why she would be chosen if she was at least 170 cm
But if she's only 155 cm, I just end up thinking it's because of her famous sister's influence...
It looks like she's aiming to work in show business too. I sense there's going to be a huge push for both sisters, it just feels unpleasant.

[+494 / -18]
Out of all of Tokyo, they could only find someone who's 155 cm, Osaka's gonna laugh at us.

5. [+7477 / -129]
She must have a lot of guts to enter a competition like this when she's only 155 cm.

6. [+6863 / -124]
They wouldn't have kept her in the competition just to create buzz, right?? For someone who's 155cm to be chosen, she would either have to have been extremely beautiful and captivating, or there were no other contestants.

7. [+6510 / -329]
For some reason, I get an "old lady" atmosphere from her, is it just me?

[+227 / -4]
Her swimsuit kind of has a retro design too.

8. [+5679 / -76]
155 cm tall,
Both sisters are short, aren't they?

9. [+4979 / -103]
Even if you're short, you'll still have a chance. I didn't know that.

[+259 / -15]
I think it's because her legs look long and she's wearing tall high heels...

[+200 / -8]
It's because she's Tao's sister lol

10. [+4325 / -49]
Using the 炎 character for a name is extremely unusual.

Source: Model Press, Girls Channel

Tsuchiya Tao's sister Honoka (炎伽) wins the title of Miss Tokyo at the Miss Japan contest

1. [+287 / -2369]

On the 4th, actress Tsuchiya Tao (24) posted an update on Instagram. Tao: "This is a private matter but something very surprising and exciting happened...!". Tao and her younger brother, voice actor Tsuchiya Shimba, cheered for their sister at the venue. Tao recalled her mental state when her sister was chosen, "There's a saying that when you're surprised, you'll fall from your chair, I actually experienced that first hand today." She thanked everyone for the congratulatory messages she received.

2. [+5438 / -316]
Big sis's face is huge too

3. [+5275 / -9]
That's an amazing name!

4. [+3777 / -6]

5. [+4348 / -42]
Can you guess why [she was chosen]?

6. [+4257 / -194]
Not cute or pretty!

7. [+3066 / -10]
Incredible name

8. [+5956 / -13]
Her name is Honoka but the kanji for it isn't gentle.

9. [+153 / -711]
Tao is better

10. [+1923 / -63]

11. [+4322 / -48]
Big sis also has a super DQN name

12. [+1690 / -30]
Looks just like her!

13. [+6150 / -15]
This is the first time I've seen someone with 炎 in their name.

70. [+872 / -12]
When her mother gave birth to Tao, apparently she saw a Hō-ō (mythical phoenix), that's why she was named that. They kind of seem like the dangerous type so it can't be helped.
*See explanation at end of post.

15. [+1816 / -33]
Looks like she could be an announcer

16. [+2062 / -72]
I don't like her for some reason...

17. [+2773 / -47]
There's a strong likeness with the size of their faces.

18. [+2510 / -17]
Countdown to entering show business.

19. [+223 / -578]
A pleasant beauty

20. [+2709 / -144]
I think I like big sis's face better.

21. [+1953 / -11]
I saw 炎 and thought it said destruction (炎上).

22. [+2588 / -55]
Seems like she'll be ripped to shreds by Girls Channel users...
She has the look of a Japanese beauty from the Showa era but it would've been better if she was a bit taller and younger.
*Showa era: 1926–1989

24. [+123 / -434]
Tsuchiya Tao-chan is definitely cuter.

25. [+3576 / -40]
There was definitely someone prettier than her [in the competition].

27. [+2616 / -44]
Completely riding on her little sister's coattails.
The darkness~

28. [+2024 / -14]
The kanji is really violent in comparison to Honoka.
It's like something's burning up in flames.

29. [+1526 / -48]
They kind of look Mongolian.

30. [+2032 / -12]
And the younger brother is 神葉, pronounced Shimba, right?
*神葉 = divine leaf

34. [+3539 / -27]
Do Japanese people use 炎 for names?
Both of their names suggest they're Chinese, are they Japanese of Chinese descent?

35. [+1116 / -14]
Both sisters' faces and ages don't add up.

38. [+918 / -1]
Is that her real name? If it is, it's an amazing name.

40. [+2751 / -140]
Not cute

42. [+988 /-26]
Tao-chan would suit that mature hairstyle too.

44. [+3824 / -372]
Girls Channel always diss her but she stands out in the audience.

48. [+2243 / -18]
What's up with the Tsuchiya family? Why do they keep appearing everywhere? It seems kind of shady...

54. [+661 / -79]

58. [+1073 / -4]
Are the Tsuchiya parents powerful people?

59. [+746 / -8]

61. [+1011 / -6]
Their names don't look Japanese, do their parents have Chinese blood?

77. [+1275 / -15]
炎 is pretty amazing but
伽 is even crazier
It could mean night partner.
I wonder why they chose these kanji.
*伽 means nurse, attendant, or entertainer. 伽 together with 夜 (night/evening) (夜伽) means guarding or nursing someone through the night or the act of a woman sleeping with a man.

79. [+753 / -5]
I wonder what kind of things the Tsuchiya family do.
Was it Wako*? That they shop at?
Apparently big sis has been learning traditional Japanese dance since she was 3.
*Department store famous for its watches, jewellery, chocolate, porcelain, dishware, and handbags, as well as upscale foreign goods.

84. [+533 / -10]
She's prettier than her younger sister but shorter than the other contestants... Connections?

90. [+392 / -5]
Nishikawa Ayako, talento/plastic surgeon
Ohta Mitsuyo, president of Titan Co., Ltd
Dewi Sukarno, talento/socialite
Horie Takafumi, founder of Livedoor
Inoue Kosei, Judo practitioner

100. [+692 / -14]
Can't speak English, not even tall, at a beauty pageant...
The remaining contestants probably found it impossible to accept that this stumpy office lady was chosen. I thought that the section where they were tested on their English skills was really easy. This competition feels like, "As long as she's cute, idiots are OK!", there's no value to it.
One of the judges is a criminal as well.*
That guy asked questions like he was at a cabaret club. This competition feels vulgar.
*Horie Takafumi, charged with security fraud.

Click to show Tao's explanation of her nameClick to hide
"Before my sister and brother and I were born, the doctor didn't tell our parents if we were male or female so my parents had a hard time thinking of names. They thought up of a lot of names but couldn't decide on one, then my mother had a dream. In the dream, there was a newborn baby kneeling in front of a low and long desk in a place above the clouds that looked like a terakoya.
*Temple elementary school from the Edo period

Then a long and narrow sheet of paper that looked like a letter from historical play, appeared, and written in an ink were the words, "Born on the third day of February, Girl, Tao (太凰)". My mother thought, "Huh-, babies have a registration system!?" and then she woke up. She had the dream on the morning of February 1st. My scheduled birth date was bit later than that so my father said I probably wasn't going to be born on the 3rd. But they still couldn't think of a name, so they joked, "If a girl is born on the 3rd of February, let's just give her the name in the dream".

And then, on the morning of February 3rd, I was suddenly born (((゜д゜;))). Since I was a girl, they talked about using the name. But my mother wondered if it was okay to use the '太' kanji for a girl.* Since the kanji comes from China, my parents looked up '太' in a Chinese dictionary, and it said, "A character used for female honorary titles (a famous example is Empress Dowager Cixi 西太后)".* They thought, "Then it might be fine to use for a girl!", and decided to name me the name from the dream.
*太 is usually only used for boy names. The 太 in Empress Dowager Cixi makes up part of the word for Empress Dowager 太后.

But then there was another problem. The second character in the name was '凰' (Female Phoenix), but back then, 凰 wasn't used in names (;_;). So my parents decided to use a character with a similar meaning, the '鳳' (Male Phoenix) character, and that's how I was named Tao (太鳳, Prosperous Male Phoenix)." (Source: Tsuchiya Tao's blog)

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