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Sato Koichi Criticised for Allegedly Making Fun of the Prime Minister

Source: Sponichi Annex, Girls Channel

Sato Koichi Criticised for "Making Fun of the Prime Minister"


An interview with actor Sato Koichi (58), published in the manga magazine "Big Comic", has been criticised on the Internet.

The interview concerned his role as Prime Minister in the movie "Kubo Ibuki", which opens on the 24th. "I established my character as someone who is weak against stress and will immediately get diarrhoea", he commented. What followed was a chorus of responses on the Internet, saying "He has no consideration towards sick people" and the like. Many others pointed out the fact that the Prime Minister, Abe Shinzo, suffers from a chronic disease called "ulcerative colitis", and that Sato may have been "making fun of the Prime Minister".

Sato will attend a stage greeting event in Tokyo on the 13th for a different film.

1. [+161 / -2301]
[Link to article]

2. [+5835 / -612]
I've started to dislike him.
Making fun of people's illnesses is disgusting

3. [+1571 / -2309]
It was probably just a coincidence.
I don't think Shinzo-chan would've even popped up in his head.

5. [+746 / -1288]

7. [+5985 / -649]
I don't like or support Abe-san but this is horrible.
A grown adult his age should know better.

8. [+425 / -940]
No interest whatsoever.

9. [+4836 / -293]
I'd rather celebrities didn't involve themselves in politics.

10. [+4855 / -182]
He may have said that because he wanted to liven up the atmosphere but you should not make fun of chronic diseases.

11. [+5346 / -252]
I had a relatively good impression of him so this is disappointing. Plus, he was alluding to [Abe's] chronic disease, what a bad personality.

Actors shouldn't talk about politics.
When you [reveal your political opinions], we won't be able to enjoy your work anymore.

12. [+749 / -1259]
It's offending people that much?
It's just a character, isn't it?

15. [+3076 / -73]
Sato told the director to change the character to this.

13. [+3542 / -465]

Why is this third-rate actor getting so arrogant!!
What do you mean "our generation".
No matter the rolebe it a murderer, a pervertan actor should be able to play the part flawlessly!

Original tweet:
This comment by actor Sato Koichi, on his role as a Prime Minister in the movie "Kubo Ibuki", was published in the magazine "Big Comic".

"At first, I thought, 'I definitely don't want to do it' (laugh) ..."

14. [+950 / -1746]
I read the original article but I don't really get how it connects to Abe-san.

——It's your first time playing a Prime Minister.
Sato At first, I thought, "I definitely don't want to do it" (laugh). In our generation, there's still some resistance in playing someone in the Government. But I decided to accept after talking with the director and producer over how I could develop this Prime Minister Tarumi's character if I were to play him. I thought I wanted to have this sort of Prime Minister: a Prime Minister who gives you a feeling that he's slightly indecisive and somewhat unlucky. But when it comes down to it, is a Prime Minister that thinks about the country. Someone who can work out what would be the right thing for himself, for the country, and for the citizens.

——The Prime Minister walks around with a thermos that contains Chinese herbal medicine.
Sato I established my character as someone who is weak against stress and will immediately get diarrhoea. That's why, in the toilet scene, he walks out of a cubicle.
佐藤 最初は絶対やりたくないと思いました(笑)。いわゆる体制側の立場を演じることに対する抵抗感が、まだ僕らの世代の役者には残ってるんですね。

16. [+847 / -1072]
Was he really talking about Prime Minister Abe?
It probably just came to mind when he was developing the character.
Does it really justify this much criticism?

17. [+3204 / -130]
Is Sato Koichi left-leaning?

18. [+3521 / -122]
Hearing what he said, you can't help but think that he's making fun of Prime Minister Abe.
I understand why people with stomach problems from stress are annoyed.
I can't say anything though, because I don't know the full contents of the interview...

21. [+533 / -1090]
I don't think he even thought about Abe-san
He probably thought it would make the story more interesting.
Is it grounds for this much bashing?
What a pain
He didn't even say anything bad.

23. [+417 / -683]
Even when I read it, I didn't connect it to Abe-san
Also, it's common to make characters in high positions weak against stress.

24. [+3319 / -75]
Let's set aside what his intentions were. In the source material, there's apparently a scene where he vomits due to pressure. Purposely changing that to stomach problems doesn't make sense to me.

25. [+382 / -756]
Isn't immediately getting diarrhoea because you're weak against stress really common?? How did this become about Abe-san?

26. [+3850 / -27]
I don't really know but,
Ulcerative colitis isn't "I'm weak against stress so it's easy for me to get an upset stomach"...

I just want to clear that up. It's a chronic disease.
I watched a report about it on TV, I think they're brave.
I hope someone quickly develops a dɾᴜg or something, that can completely cure them. I wonder if there already is one?

Source: Sponichi Annex, Girls Channel

Sato Koichi Will Not Be Attending Stage Greeting Events for "Kubo Ibuki"

On the 13th, the stage greeting event details for the movie "Kubo Ibuki" were announced on the movie's official website. The events will be held in Tokyo, Osaka, and Nagoya. There will be nine events in total. Nishijima Hidetoshi (48), Sasaki Kuranosuke (51), director, Wakamatsu Setsuro, and others were confirmed to appear, however, Sato Koichi (58) was not among the list of names. Sato was present for the film's premiere on the 22nd last month.

Regarding playing a Prime Minister in this film, Sato commented, "At first, I thought, 'I definitely don't want to do it' (laugh). In our generation, there's still some resistance in playing someone in the Government". He also revealed that he "established [his] character as someone who is weak against stress and will immediately get diarrhoea".

In response to this, comments saying that "He has no consideration towards sick people" were raised by Internet users. Others pointed out the fact that the Prime Minister, Abe Shinzo, suffers from "ulcerative colitis", and that Sato may have been "making fun of the Prime Minister".

1. [+44 / -682]
[Link to article]
[Link to previous article]

2. [+2881 / -57]
He ran away.

3. [+1579 / -119]
With the way things are going, I wonder if they're going to freeze him out [of the entertainment industry]?

4. [+3093 / -89]
It's embarrassing how at his age, he still can't distinguish between what someone should and shouldn't say in an official situation.

5. [+2410 / -109]
Starting to dislike him

6. [+1826 / -55]
He's in trouble lol

7. [+2110 / -47]
He's being discourteous to the other cast members as well

8. [+2182 / -40]
It's because it's right after he screwed up.
Even if he did go, he wouldn't be able to answer the barrage of questions about it anyway.

9. [+85 / -350]
I can only think "Oh dear".
"Kubo Ibuki" seems interesting. It seems like it will make you think about a lot of things.

10. [+1527 / -96]
Maybe he felt his life was in danger? It wouldn't be strange if someone tried to stab him for what he said.

11. [+1366 / -63]
Just an idiot.

12. [+2829 / -66]
What's wrong? Is your stomach acting up?

13. [+1167 / -84]
His acting's always sucked and he's never improved.
Whether this happened or not, I wasn't going to watch it anyway.

14. [+1523 / -25]
If you didn't do anything wrong, you should stand up confidently and accept the consequences.

15. [+1364 / -64]
Leftist* Payopayo Koichi: "It's Abe's fault this happened to me!"
*Leftist (左党) is pronounced the same way as Sato. Payopayo refers to SEALDs, the student activist organisation that protested against Abe Shinzo in 2015 and 2016.

16. [+117 / -394]
What are you hags getting so mad about~٩(◜ᴗ◝ )۶

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