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Meghan Markle's Pregnancy Cost a Total of 150 Million Yen

Source: Hint-Pop, Girls Channel

1. [+46 / -1906]
Meghan Markle's Total Pregnancy Costs 150 Million yen, British Citizens Shocked at the "£1.1 Million Baby"


Following the birth of her son, Meghan Markle finally appeared in public after an absence of 2 months. It was discovered that the total expenses associated with the birth of this royal baby is a shocking £1.1 million. It was reported that her wardrobe expenses were £500 thousand (approx.71 million yen), sending a ripple across British media outlets at the "whopping" and "eye-watering" amount.

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The headline of the article written by the local newspaper, Daily Express, was "Meghan Markle’s £1.1 MILLION pregnancy - with eye-watering list of expenses REVEALED."

The article reported that the Countess of Sussex* was estimated to have spent a total of £1,099,060 throughout her pregnancy. This includes all sorts of various expenses, from top-of-the-line medical care to luxurious private holidays. It also includes the expenses from the baby shower held in New York in March. The private jet cost £13,277 per hour (approx. 1.9 million yen) and the high class hotel they stayed at cost £56,000 a night (approx. 8 million yen). Furthermore, when they went to Hampshire for a three day "babymoon," the hotel costs were £10,000 per night (approx. 1.4 million yen).
*Japanese article has translated this incorrectly - she is the Duchess of Sussex

During her pregnancy, she had acupuncture treatments carried out by a famous celebrity acupuncturist and visited herbal clinics. It was reported that even just the acupuncture treatments cost £6,240 per week* (approx. 900,000 yen).
*Japanese article has translated this incorrectly - the Daily Express article says it can cost up to £6,240 a year for weekly treatments.

In addition to midwife costs, the most shocking expense was clothing. "Meghan's pregnancy wardrobe is said to have cost a whopping £500,000 (approx. 71 million yen)" reported the article. Her gorgeous custom designed outfits from high class brands such as Dior, Givenchy and Valentino, gave rise to public discussion.

The hospital costs were apparently £20,000 and she was provided 5 star hotel kitchen services there.

Meghan Markle, whose wardrobe expenses account for half of her shocking pregnancy total, appears to have spread a 71 million yen ripple across England.

2. [+64 / -1020]
I wish them happiness.

3. [+1750 / -42]
My pregnancy cost 500 thousand yen ($5000).

4. [+953 / -35]
So jelly

5. [+4161 / -26]
Seems like KK* will be like this too
100% oppose their marriage.
*Komuro Kei, Princess Mako's fiance.

6. [+2634 / -132]
Was that all tax payer money?

7. [+1193 / -26]
My one was 360 thousand yen ($3600)

8. [+3522 / -24]
I think that if Princess Mako marries KK, we'll be seeing similar days around here...
"Matching social classes" is an old concept but I really think that it's important.

9. [+3089 / -22]
The baby shower taxes will make them flip.

10. [+1379 / -7]
Please respect custom.

11. [+1890 / -28]
Still better than Komuro Kei, who apparently bullied someone until they needed counselling.

12. [+1570 / -23]
These weren't paid using British citizens' taxes, right?!

13. [+1537 / -6]
They're bashed even in normal circumstances so they should have kept a low profile...

14. [+3509 / -10]
Can't tell since only Duchess* Meghan's expenses are listed, but I don't have the impression that Duchess* Catherine is this much of a spendthrift.
*妃 means consort

15. [+1868 / -18]
If the Japanese imperial family also spent 150 million yen, would they be criticised too?

16. [+1746 / -25]
They seem to be a lazy couple who waste the country's public funds.
I don't care.
Don't drag this news all the way to Japan.

17. [+2616 / -9]
This is what happens in the end when you don't marry someone fit for the royal family.

19. [+983 / -7]
That's a lot!
How many commoners could be born with that amount?

20. [+1513 / -7]
>Meghan Markle, whose wardrobe expenses account for half of her shocking pregnancy total, appears to have spread a 71 million yen ripple across England.

21. [+1046 / -8]
I hope the same thing doesn't happen to Japan in the future...

22. [+995 / -19]
Please forgive my ignorance but wouldn't British citizens be unaffected by this amount of spending?

23. [+1246 / -79]
Seems like Mako and Kako will follow in their wake.

24. [+1269 / -36]
Does the British royal family live off taxes too?
If it was money they worked hard to earn themselves, even if they're being extravagant, it doesn't really matter, don't you think?

25. [+551 / -20]
If she had acupuncture then it seems like it wasn't a surrogate birth... What is the actual truth??

34. [+ / -]
Her face and body looks more plump
I don't believe she used a surrogate.

26. [+1801 / -14]
"Princess Mako's fiance went to America without returning the 3 million ($30,000) yen he owed, and refuses to give an explanation. People throughout Japan are all agape with shock."

↑ Japanese version is this

57. [+644 / -1]
Moreover, KK: "Hasn't decided whether or not he will be a lawyer. He is in the middle of deciding what he will do from now on."

Then why did you go to study abroad?

27. [+564 / -9]
Did Meghan look like this before?
She's starting to look like her mother.

28. [+702 / -10]
Her celebrity friends didn't pay for the baby shower?

30. [+872 / -7]
Stupid second son

32. [+189 / -2]

33. [+963 / -30]
You called?
Words: I ring Mako-sama on moonlit nights~
-Komuro Kei

43. [+607 / -4]
No one called. Please don't come back to Japan. Also, please break up.

35. [+17 / -48]
Suda Masaki's family: 0 yen

36. [+1204 / -20]
KK has used even more than that
And it's increasing even as we speak
*It is believed that Komuro Kei is using royal funds to fund his overseas study

37. [+713 / -14]
Yet she's so spotty, I wonder why.
*Referring to her freckles

38. [+574 / -8]
I expect that the British royal family are earning money from land estates.

39. [+489 / -9]
The British citizens aren't mad?

40. [+886 / -6]
She always has a "Did you see what I did?!" look on her face.

41. [+1071 / -2]
She has a really strong mentality to not care even when she's criticised
The royal family is not a palanquin set with jewels.

45. [+939 / -27]
Meghan-san is often compared to KK, and there are also people who say that she's different because she earns money by herself but from how I see it, they're exactly the same.
She probably earned a good amount of money working as an actress, but as I thought, she's someone who likes living extravagantly. When you have a complicated upbringing, you're more prone to becoming that way. Meghan-san might have just happened to be suited to be an actress so she continued, while KK didn't continue. I feel that that's the only difference between them.
Although whatever happens with the British royal family is none of our country's business, we can't entirely look on as bystanders.

46. [+1088 / -4]
That's too much
People who like extravagance aren't suited to be royals.
She should have just married some multi-millionaire.

47. [+1218 / -8]
>It was reported that even just the acupuncture treatments cost £6,240 per week (approx. 900,000 yen).

What would a 900,000 yen acupuncture needle be made of? ww

48. [+1341 / -12]
You can feel the difference between the sons
As expected, the mental attitude of someone who will inherit the throne and someone who won't is different
It's the same everywhere...

49. [+925 / -7]
In another article,
it said that it costs 1.29 million yen ($12,900)
for acupuncture and number-fortune-telling.
Also, hypnotherapy cost 190,000 yen ($1900) or something.

What's number fortune telling?

55. [+582 / -6]
Duchess Catherine wears fast fashion and spends money like water [and is not criticised], so even if she spends even more [than Meghan], I get the feeling she won't be criticised that much.

60. [+530 / -7]
I'm looking forward to when Queen Elizabeth will cut off Duchess Meghan.

64. [+675 / -3]
Meghan-san has completely got a money-crazy label stuck to her now. Duchess Catherine wears Zara dresses elegantly, so they end up being excessively compared...

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