Maeda Atsuko Blows Up at Katsuji Ryo? The Contrast Between the Leaked Photo and Instagram posts
Source: Wezzy
The May 23rd edition of the tabloid magazine, Shuukan Bunshun published a photo that captured Maeda Atsuko and Katsuji Ryo in a matrimonial quarrel. Maeda Atsuko was injured and in a wheelchair while Katsuji Ryo was carrying their newborn.
The photo in question is a shocking photo which shows Maeda Atsuko with a ferocious expression on her face. According to the article, when Katsuji Ryo was pushing the wheelchair Maeda was sitting in, Maeda suddenly flew into a rage, and ran off while dragging her injured leg. Maeda fell to the ground almost immediately after, and glared at Katsuji. Katsuji apparently slowly pushed the wheelchair to her. While it is unknown why she was angry, it is clear from her expression that they were having a fight, and that there was a feeling of unrest in the air.
Maeda was in a wheelchair because she injured a ligament in her knee at home. She reported this on Instagram on the 11th but did not reveal the details of her injury.
After seeing the shocking photo in Bunshun, many people expressed their concern for Maeda online. However, Maeda and Katsuji have continued posting on Instagram and absolutely no hint of unrest can be sensed in their posts.
On 23rd May, Katsuji made an appearance on Maeda's Instagram, and their good relationship became a topic of conversation. Maeda uploaded a photo of Katsuji with a smartphone in his hand. On his smartphone screen was a picture of Hageda Hagemaru, the main protagonist of the manga Tsuripika Hagemaru. The photo was accompanied with the couple's conversation about their son who was born this year in March:
"He (Katsuji) said 'I've always thought that our kid looks exactly like this kid (Hagemaru), I've finally found it.'"
"Yes, they look alike lol. Goodnight."
This post garnered over 50 thousand likes.
Katsuji reported on his Instagram that he bought a lot of baby clothes, and also uploaded a photo of himself pushing a stroller. This received a string of replies voicing their blessings, with comments such as "heartwarming" and "lovely couple".
Although the fight is a concern, the couple only announced the birth of their first child in March and Maeda has been really busy juggling work and child-rearing——she has been in three movies that will be released this year. It's only natural that she would be stressed out. Furthermore, no matter how well a couple get along with each other, it is rare for a couple to never fight at all.
Source: Girls Channel
1. [+1260 / -59]
2. [+6355 / -70]
It's because selfish Acchan is emotionally unstable
3. [+3996 / -31]
Seems like if they had a fight, it would be really intense
4. [+4950 / -105]
People get unstable after childbirth, right?
27. [+1563 / -36]
In MaeAtsu's case, she was unstable from the beginning
In MaeAtsu's case, she was unstable from the beginning
5. [+665 / -286]
6. [+6975 / -65]
Maeda-san exposes disgraceful scenes in public a lot.
22. [+2738 / -149]
She's human, and probably has a lot going on. I think that it's pitiful that she's photographed over every single thing.
She's already emotionally unstable due to her postpartum hormones so they shouldn't be following her with cameras.
She's human, and probably has a lot going on. I think that it's pitiful that she's photographed over every single thing.
She's already emotionally unstable due to her postpartum hormones so they shouldn't be following her with cameras.
7. [+3708 / -236]
Is she okay? Her face is kinda all gathered at the centre
8. [+2296 / -28]
Don't fight in public
9. [+900 / -29]
Don't care
10. [+4587 / -26]
I can imagine Acchan's screeching voice...
11. [+3402 / -18]
Feels like a short-term couple
12. [+3115 / -66]
Getting into a fight isn't surprising for someone who's just given birth
13. [+1643 / -30]
Seems like she's always angry
14. [+6165 / -80]
It's this, right?
There aren't many people who would have such a big fight in public.

38. [+1374 / -13]
Looks like she's saying "Huuuuuuuhh?!"
43. [+1504 / -26]
That face!!
...Bring over Sato Takeru! lol
44. [+3496 / -43]
I remembered this. Maeda Atsuko gets really emotional easily, huh. Even though she didn't drink alcohol this time, she's having a fight in public, so she must be easily worked up.

Looks like she's saying "Huuuuuuuhh?!"
43. [+1504 / -26]
That face!!
...Bring over Sato Takeru! lol
44. [+3496 / -43]
I remembered this. Maeda Atsuko gets really emotional easily, huh. Even though she didn't drink alcohol this time, she's having a fight in public, so she must be easily worked up.

15. [+203 / -601]
I don't believe Bunshun
Especially when it's idol related
16. [+4414 / -176]
Well, people can be in a good mood at times, and in a bad mood at times~
Even more so when it's during their postpartum period
17. [+4660 / -101]
People become emotionally unstable following childbirth, so isn't that what this is? If her husband deals with it calmly, it's not that big of a problem.
18. [+3451 / -122]
Couples do fight.
It's wrong to sneak photos, and it's wrong to spy as well.
19. [+4877 / -53]
It might be because it's her postpartum period, but I have the impression that Acchan's personality was already like this.
20. [+1627 / -51]
Shotgun marriage divorce
21. [+2082 / -96]
Countdown to divorce
I wonder which former-AKB member will be first.
23. [+2441 / -83]
Acchan seems selfish
25. [+4613 / -63]
She's been treated like a princess since she was little, so I think she would be quite egoistic. She was the top of a group like that so she must be strong-willed too.
26. [+2247 / -28]
It was a shotgun marriage, right? It might be that they only knew each others' outer appearance, and were surprised when they found out each others' real personalities.
29. [+3541 / -24]
She's had some incredible photos taken of her, that photo of her being carried with her panties fully exposed for one.
30. [+1785 / -35]
It's a shotgun marriage. They probably got married without knowing much about the other person.
31. [+2036 / -42]
Ah... Seems true
I felt this way when she was still in AKB but it feels like she always thinks about herself the most. Katsuji Ryo seems like the type who gets carried away easily but it seems like he'd read the mood and be able to cope with Acchan.
32. [+3396 / -71]
Acchan's face...
It's the real Hamada

*Hamada Masatoshi
33. [+4099 / -32]
Wasn't she screaming in that photo with Sato Takeru too?
Is Acchan a hot-tempered person?
34. [+3700 / -19]
She got injured seriously enough to need a wheelchair right after childbirth, what happened?
35. [+71 / -304]
Even that angel Amuro-chan divorced so
Anyone can have fights, and anyone can get divorced. ・°°・(>_<)・°°・。
39. [+2561 / -20]

40. [+4108 / -26]
She's injured bad enough to need a wheelchair yet she's fully standing. She must have really snapped w
54. [+2608 / -9]
I don't see any factors in this photo that would result in Katsuji Ryo, who is carrying the baby in a baby sling and pushing the wheelchair, being told off.
I don't see any factors in this photo that would result in Katsuji Ryo, who is carrying the baby in a baby sling and pushing the wheelchair, being told off.
41. [+3560 / -141]
During your postpartum period, you're sleep deprived, your immunity decreases, you lose hair, your skin gets rough, you feel anxiety over raising a child, your emotions are like a roller coaster. Don't take photos of stuff like this.
42. [+1512 / -36]
I fight with my husband too, but fighting in public is a big no no.
45. [+2611 / -38]
I wonder if she'll be a single mother in three years... She was the top of AKB at a time so she's probably as strong-willed as an ogre... Her husband probably yields to her.
48. [+1644 / -120]
Can't believe the paparazzi had the nerve to sneak photos of a worn-out postpartum woman.
49. [+2091 / -43]
Seems like hysteria
Apparently, when a woman screams hysterically, men experience the fear of death.
50. [+1445 / -34]
I remember that exposed butt incident that happened many years ago.
At that time, wasn't she drunk and getting mad while crying?
51. [+1831 / -41]
Seems like Maeda Atsuko had a tempestuous personality from the beginning.
Doesn't seem like it has anything to do with childbirth.
Didn't she have a similar photo taken of her before [when she was single]?
Even if it's your postpartum period, you guys don't go fighting on the street, do you?
66. [+795 / -10]

*Hamada Masatoshi