Source: Girls Channel

Should an Ikemen By Atmosphere Play Ikemen Roles?

1. [+302 / -17]
How do you feel about ikemen by atmosphere playing ikemen characters?
Do you think that ikemen characters should be played by true ikemen?
What do you guys think when you watch?

13. [+572 / -9]
Even when society considers someone an ikemen, I sometimes think, "This person is supposed to be handsome??"

2. [+677 / -67]
I'm tricked by their atmosphere [into thinking they're handsome] so it's fine.

3. [+140 / -404]
*Yoshizawa Ryo, Yamazaki Kento

24. [+237 / -144]
I don't like Yamazaki Kento, his teeth look dirty

4. [+712 / -43]
I don't think there's any issue.
As long as they can act, you can watch it normally.

5. [+1001 / -30]
Why don't cha let them off?

7. [+749 / -11]
I don't want to watch ikemen actors with wooden acting either.

8. [+1376 / -60]
I don't understand why Oguri Shun is considered handsome.

9. [+153 / -80]
Tanaka Kei is popular but he's not an ikemen, right?

25. [+163 / -5]
He doesn't play handsome characters
Not all main characters in dramas are made out to be good-looking.

10. [+2126 / -16]
Calling Hoshino Gen an ikemen would be pushing it.

17. [+379 / -7]
He's never played an ikemen character, so let him off.

43. [+24 / -32]
He doesn't have the atmosphere of an ikemen either. He just behaves like he's one.

12. [+1157 / -9]
Standards have dropped too much lately
Everyone is considered an ikemen now

14. [+1088 / -37]
I don't think anything in particular
Oguri looks cool to me when I watch him in dramas so I think, "As you would expect from an actor."

15. [+447 / -10]
People have different tastes.
Even if you think that someone is only an ikemen by atmosphere, they might look seriously handsome to other people.

16. [+456 / -25]
Well, that's what a drama is.
It's not a get-together for you to gaze at beautiful men and women.

18. [+314 / -5]
Second leads played by ikemen tend to be more popular that the male lead, don't they?

19. [+167 / -29]
I get irritated because it seems like they'll misunderstand [and think they're handsome for real].

20. [+179 / -4]
There are ikemen that you like and ikemen that you find disgusting so...

21. [+690 / -20]
Oguri Shun's Hanazawa Rui and Matsuken's Shin-chan are the only two I still can't accept.
I like both of them as actors though.
*Matsuyama Kenichi: Shinichi "Shin" Okazaki from Nana

46. [+379 / -316]
Ehhh, probably no one but Oguri Shun could have played Hanazawa Rui.
I think that Oguri Shun's Hanazawa Rui was a success.

22. [+21 / -199]
Should beautiful characters be played by actresses who are beautiful by atmosphere?
Upvote for Yes
Downvote for No

23. [+503 / -14]
But when it's a good actor, they start looking more handsome the more you watch...

26. [+398 / -129]
I also wondered, "How exactly is Fukushi Sota handsome?"

27. [+663 / -9]
Tanaka Kei should stick to playing average-looking guys.

28. [+231 / -10]
Ikemen by atmosphere are popular in real life so it doesn't really bother me...

29. [+609 / -15]
Are you talking about Ayano Go?

51. [+244 / -17]
How he looks without makeup

30. [+98 / -199]
Yoshizawa Ryo's face is gross.

31. [+687 / -13]
Hoshino Gen doesn't even have an ikemen vibe

32. [+783 / -42]
*Nomura Shuhei

33. [+317 / -89]
Macken* is handsome
*Arata Mackenyu

34. [+682 / -60]
*Suda Masaki

35. [+600 / -71]
*Nakamura Tomoya

36. [+612 / -18]
Oguri Shun is tall and fits his characters.
There are others who are much worse than him.

37. [+907 / -20]
It feels wrong when Narita Ryo plays handsome characters.
He has a slippery face. I can only see him as a pervert.

38. [+518 / -33]
Tokyo born bachelor Takito-san* is not an ikemen by any means but possibly because of his acting skills, he looked like a good man in that drama.
*Takito Kenichi

39. [+601 / -21]
If they have the vibe, isn't it perfectly fine? Actresses play beautiful characters even when they'll clearly not beautiful.
Kuroki Haru, Tsuchiya Tao, to name a few

41. [+482 / -105]
Suda Masaki is cool because of that distinctive atmosphere he has
He's attractive rather than handsome,

42. [+246 / -134]
Johnny's ikemen by vibe
*Nagase Ren

44. [+111 / -16]
It's such a joke when a chibi with a giant face plays a popular character.

45. [+136 / -483]
It's like a celebrity (right) next to a non-celebrity (left).
*Yamazaki Kento, Arata Mackenyu

47. [+194 / -2]
Seems like in real life, if a person is tall enough, even an average looking guy with some good facial features would be seen as an ikemen...
Might be a good balance with the other actors.

48. [+499 / -13]
The width of the area between Takahashi Issei's mouth and nose is not the width of an ikemen.

49. [+112 / -18]
I think that's fine even if they just have ikemen vibes.
Yokoyama Ryusei, who is popular with Girls Channel, is also an ikemen by atmosphere.

50. [+1014 / -86]
Would you say that he's an ikemen?
*Okada Masaki

52. [+140 / -8]
If they're playing a popular character, I want them to have the height too.

53. [+27 / -0]
I don't care if they play ikemen characters in dramas (I think they probably want to get more screen-time and become popular) but
When they're excessively pushed as being an ikemen even outside of acting
There will be people who will wonder, "They don't have any other way to market themselves?"
The person himself also doesn't seem that dissatisfied about it* either.
Multi-talented people will get more and more exposure even if they're not fixated on selling themselves as an ikemen.
*Being marketed as being handsome

55. [+605 / -21]
It's a mystery as to why everyone was calling him an ikemen at one point in time.
*Takahashi Issey

58. [+41 / -12]
He's short too

56. [+351 / -56]
Girls Channel netizens' beloved Tori
*Matsuzaka Tori

57. [+88 / -7]
I think it's totally okay!
When they can act and it is a drama with a good script, even if you think that he's not your type at first, before you realise it, you get really into them. This happens quite often.

59. [+416 / -11]
It's worse when they use Johnny's rather than actors
*Ikemen desu ne (You're Handsome), Fujigaya Taisuke, Takimoto Miori, Tamamori Yuta and Yaotome Hikaru

64. [+39 / -94]
Which do I, Girls Channel's idol, come under?