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JO1 Unveils Concept Trailer for Debut Single 'PROTOSTAR'

Source: Girls Channel, Model Press

JO1 unveils concept trailer for debut single 'PROTOSTAR'

1. [+258 / -669]
On the 29th, JO1 unveiled the concept trailer for their debut single 'PROTOSTAR' (to be released March 4).

The trailer exceeded fans' expectations. "#JO1" and "#PROTOSTAR" trended on Twitter. Viewers of Produce 101 Japan who have followed them until now were very moved:
"They're all so cool, 100 points"
"This is the group I wanted"
"Exceeded my expectations"
"They're going to be a hit"
"They'll revolutionise the Japanese idol world"
"People can change this much in 5 months?"
"I can't keep up with their growth..."

2. [+3025 / -228]
I only see Koreans

3. [+602 / -190]
I watched Produce so I hope they're successful
Even though my oshi didn't make it

5. [+53 / -142]
I thought this when I saw Snow Man too but they look like they came out of an otome game

2020. [+22 / -2]
"Hey... who do you like better, me or Louis Vuitton?"

2027. [+8 / -3]
You, of course, my Prince!

2250. [+3 / -1]

2264. [+4 / -1]

6. [+379 / -152]
Either way, the vote rigging's just gonna be exposed again

7. [+2234 / -157]
I don't like how "K-POP" it feels

8. [+1413 / -61]
They all look the same to me
Maybe because I'm old...

9. [+887 / -112]
I don't see what's good about it

10. [+1003 / -102]
They all have the same face...

13. [+355 / -185]
Seeing this makes me appreciate Kinpuri

16. [+1051 / -132]
Just go work in Korea

19. [+537 / -157]
It's amazing that they were able to produce this in such a short amount of time.
Everyone's become amazingly polished. Just two months ago, they were all ordinary people!

22. [+1029 / -102]
Japan always says Korea copies them but now Japan's copying Korea too

182. [+111 / -18]
But don't male idols in Korea have a similar fashion style to grannies in Osaka? Since a long time ago, I've been seeing grannies dressed like that everywhere in Osaka...

23. [+847 / -69]
They're Japanese?
I thought it was a Korean group

25. [+166 / -439]
I love Kimata!!
He was so cool here!!

27. [+652 / -85]
I'm sick of Korean idols
Hairstyle, pink hair, makeup, macho
Snow-Stone gorioshi, etc. I can't even watch TV anymore

28. [+89 / -55]
Go bankrupt Yoshimoto

29. [+276 / -114]
They aren't popular
This is just media play

30. [+435 / -100]
I want to see them on Mste
I watched the show religiously with my kids so I'm supporting them even though my oshi was eliminated.

31. [+137 / -96]

33. [+832 / -77]
> JO1 (Jay Oh Wan) is a Japanese global male idol group. They are under LAPONE ENTERTAINMENT, a partnership between Yoshimoto Kogyo and Korean entertainment company CJ ENM.

Stop trying to do business in Japan, Yoshimoto.

34. [+466 / -38]
Why do idol groups nowadays (including girl groups) have so many members?
It would be one thing if they were all handsome but... are people who can charm people alone not born anymore?

35. [+90 / -193]
JO1 is gonna sell like crazy so
Ignore all the Korea haters
The trailer was really cool!

36. [+603 / -69]
Serious question.
Are these people all Japanese?
If they are, don't they look really Korean?
People who like Korean idols like them because the members are Korean, right?
Will the same thing even work if the members are Japanese?

362. [+192 / -110]
Serious answer.
They're all Japanese. There were Korean contestants who were extremely popular but they all withdrew from the show.

They look Korean because they come from the Japanese version of a popular Korean program. The contestants were all from a generation that is receptive towards kpop.
Many of the fans are from that generation too.

I think the idea that "people who like Koreans have to be Korean, Japan shouldn't try to mimic them", is more common in the generation that has a strong hatred towards Korea, or from people who aren't young. On the other hand, young people separate politics from interests. They like K-pop, Korean makeup, and Korean culture.

Does Japanese music have to be strictly Japanese?
Were we not influenced by Western music?
The aged and middle-aged generation were influenced by the West and Western music. The same thing is happening
Today's generation is just being influenced by K-pop.

"Everyone looks the same", "They look Korean, gross"
These opinions seem to come from people who are older.

When Japan was being influenced by the West and Western music, didn't the war generation complain that Japan was copying America?

367. [+110 / -34]
Nah, no matter how you look at it, they're way too Korean.

641. [+87 / -36]
Huh? All young people like Korea?
I'm a young person and most of the people around me hate Korea.
Isn't it just a small proportion that likes Korea?

I don't know these people but when I watched the video, they just looked Korean to me.

653. [+50 / -3]
It's strange that they're distinguishing between generations. Generations are irrelevant, some people like K-pop, and others don't care.
I think those who don't care make up the majority and those who hate only make up a very small proportion.

716. [+5 / -18]
That's 'cause you're an old hag pretending to be young.

1317. [+55 / -5]
There are people who like or hate K-pop, regardless of what generation they're from.
It's just that since it's a Japanese audition program and they're making a new group with Japanese members, I don't think it's necessary to try to emulate the Korean idol model.
Like, if they're going to be doing Korean style music and having Korean style looks, what's the point in specially casting Japanese members? They could all be Korean
I thought we were finally getting a new and different idol group, different from Johnny's, turns out it's just K-pop w
If they're going with this style, all they're going to be able to get is K-pop fans.
In the end, they're basically K-pop. I don't see the point using Japanese.

514. [+140 / -13]
I like Korean idols. But it's not like I like them because they're Korean.
I like the concept of Korean idols, it's something we don't have in Japan. Investing money into: making new teasers every time a new song is released, refining perfect visuals, a performance ability uncharacteristic of an idol, expressive expressions, synchronised dancing, acrobatics, unlike J-pop, music that suits global standards, using SNS and YouTube so fans don't lose interest, etc.
I like groups like this but it has nothing to with their nationality. K-pop actually has many idols that come from different Asian countries.

37. [+489 / -34]
The people supporting this group are K-POP fans, right?

38. [+14 / -58]
Eh? Host club?

47. [+72 / -37]
Ahh, they're going this route. I was kind of interested after watching the auditions on TV but if they're going this route then meh

49. [+31 / -23]
I thought it was a JOY article so I was trying to find JOY in the video...

55. [+46 / -62]
The center kid doesn't have center aura

57. [+167 / -5]
Watched the video. There were members who would look better without makeup and members who REALLY need the makeup.

59. [+101 / -34]
They're just wearing thick makeup.

65. [+127 / -3]
I didn't want to write a comment without knowing who they were so I checked out their profiles.

As expected, the kid that used to be in Johnny's has a slender body type. Everyone else has pretty average body weights compared to their height.

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