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3-Year-Old Walks 8 Kilometres on Hajimete no Otsukai

Source: Girls Channel, Myjitsu

3-year-old walks 8 kilometres on Hajimete no Otsukai

1. [+79 / -2689]
The boy from Aizuwakamatsu walked to his older sister's elementary school to deliver the script for her school's musical. It was a 4km round trip.

He got to the school safely but discovered that his mother had forgotten to give him the script. He walked back home and while crying, headed back to the school again. This meant that he had to walk to and from the school and his house twice.

His mother felt sorry for making him go twice, and cried, but the boy safely arrived to the school a second time, and the errand ended in a success.

41. [+263 / -27]
The acting in that picture

2. [+4311 / -122]
It seemed like he wanted to go though

3. [+4027 / -53]
Isn't 8km a bit extreme?

4. [+2296 / -116]
They live in the countryside so that's just the way it is

27. [+1317 / -21]
If it's 8 kilometres, someone from the countryside would just take the car

5. [+1705 / -316]
I didn't watch it but I feel bad for him
He was crying but they still made him go

6. [+3860 / -137]
If a kid likes to walk, they can walk any distance.

It's bad that she forgot to give him the script though.

7. [+3698 / -52]
I didn't watch it but if the point was for him to deliver the script, how did they forget to give it to him?

64. [+686 / -6]
The sister said to bring the music score → the mother sent him off with the music score → what was actually needed was both the score and the script.

75. [+853 / -8]
The sister actually needed both the script and the music score but she only told her mum she needed the music score. I think there must've been some miscommunication between them. The sister thought the music score and the script were one set but the mother thought they were separate, I think?

9. [+2986 / -42]
Adults just want see something touching, that's all

29. [+403 / -26]

10. [+1772 / -39]
It was raining too! This was just cruel!

11. [+85 / -313]
It's not even that far. He should be fine.

12, [+2672 / -18]
8km is pretty far for a 3 year old...

13. [+1542 / -41]
Comments talking about the parents wanting to feed their own ego
Will continue below

14. [+1373 / -34]
Isn't this program staged?

16. [+1198 / -97]
I'm an adult but 4km is my limit

17. [+1974 / -55]
8km is rather far
I only watched a little but the mother pissed me off a bit.

19. [+1916 / -18]
So it's the mother's fault that he ended up having to walk 8km!

20. [+2007 / -84]
>The mother forgot to give the script to the boy

Mother, is your head alright

21. [+2329 / -15]
I switched channels halfway through so I didn't see that part, but before that, when the daughter of the sushi restaurant was doing her errand, her mum forgot to give her the wallet. When I saw that part, I thought, "Why are you making a kid do so much..."
A lot of the errands are hard for a 3 or 4 year old.

22. [+1114 / -18]
8km is hard for a 3 year old
They already walk slow, plus they dawdle around so it takes even longer.

23. [+26 / -120]
That distance is nothing for people who've climbed Nomugi Pass.

24. [+491 / -169]
Child abuse

25. [+1309 / -10]
In an earlier episode, a kid had to ride the Shinkansen to deliver something.
Too many unreasonable demands.

28. [+898 / -14]
Sometimes it gets really extreme.
I don't mind when they look at the surroundings first and make sure the kid can actually do it, but I get worried that other parents will see it and think, "My kid is the same age so I can send them out too!"

30. [+157 / -324]
It's not the people who watched the show that are criticising it. I watched the whole thing and I was moved.

People who only watched one scene, stop criticising!

31. [+16 / -184]
8km sounds completely fine
He's 3 though so it must've taken a while.

32. [+1139 / -66]
The mother who forgot to give the script is an idiot.

34. [+1140 / -73]
He had staff with him so if he had decided to stop, they would've called the whole thing off. I thought the boy was great for succeeding.

35. [+797 / -27]
>>1 "The errand ended in a success"
Was this really a success?
Or do they mean their plan to make him walk two times for the cameras was a success?

37. [+785 / -4]
There's the distance, and there's the large amount of baggage and also heavy baggage. Sometimes I feel sorry for the kids on this show.

38. [+1452 / -87]
I hate this program.
You wouldn't consider letting kids that young go out by themselves, so why are you making them go on errands?

39. [+752 / -30]
Other than the distance issue, it's the mother being such an idiot that makes me angry.

40. [+1096 / -20]
In Japan, small children going on errands is inspiring
But it wouldn't be surprising if people from overseas saw it and thought it was child abuse.

43. [+279 / -163]
He has staff with him and if he wasn't able to do it, they wouldn't have aired it so I don't get the complaints
I honestly think it's amazing that a 3 year old walked 8km, and I think it deserves praise.

44. [+920 / -50]
Sorry, I hate this program.

45. [+1027 / -18]
When you think about it, how do these people dare to reveal their house, their kids, and everything on TV in this day and age.
Aren't they scared?

49. [+881 / -13]
I'm fine with this because in my head i think "It's just TV" but if I saw a 3 year old kid in my neighbourhood going on a long-distance errand by him/herself, I'd think that there was a complicated situation going on at home, and depending on the situation, I would think maybe it needs to be reported.

50. [+231 / -264]
It's probably hard for people who live in rural areas to comment.
That distance is normal for them.
They won't be able to understand why people are feeling sorry for him.
I think the boy's tears stemmed from frustration towards his mother. Like, "How many times are you going to make me walk?!"
You have to audition to be on this program, right?

163. [+306 / -5]
I think I was raised pretty freely in the countryside but I don't think it's normal for a 3 year old to walk 8 kilometres.

276. [+158 / -2]
Is it normal in the countryside to send your 3 year old on a 4km round trip (on the show it was 8km) for an errand?

313. [+2 / -43]
It's not normal but I think a lot of kids could do it if they tried. My elementary school was 5km away and I remember my parents sending me off on 5-6km trips when I was 4 for practice.

286. [+185 / -0]
I'd get it if they were in primary school
(Although it's a bit iffy if they're in the lower grades)
But he's 3, you know?

474. [+193 / -3]
People in the countryside travel by car.
If you walked somewhere and then told someone, they'd laugh at you.

487. [+143 / -0]
In the countryside, don't they take the car to drive 50m to the convenience store? w

55. [+640 / -14]
But as soon as he left the house, he stopped crying and started running to the school in the rain. He was really cool.

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