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Kōki, Walks the Runway for the Tomo Koizumi Spring 2020 Fashion Show

Source: Girls Channel

Kōki, wears striking dress on runway, appears with Tominaga Ai and others

1. [+35 / -2193]
On the 16th, Koki, participated in the Rakuten Fashion Week Tokyo 2020, walking for Koizumi Tomo's "Spring 2020 Collection." She posted a photo of it on Instagram, showing a frilly and voluminous dress. The caption (in English): "Thank you so much for having me @tomokoizumi ! It was such a honor to be able to participate." She also uploaded a video of herself walking the runway with other models including popular model Tominaga Ai (37).

2. [+2766 / -19]
A Chocobo fairy.

3. [+2351 / -15]
The dress design!

4. [+2609 / -12]
What the heck www

5. [+1821 / -9]
H-her face...

6. [+2756 / -3]
A hair crab?

7. [+1777 / -7]

9. [+1327 / -5]

11. [+2567 / -11]
Good for her! She got a dress that doesn't show her figure!

14. [+1901 / -7]
Doyasa Doyasa

93. [+645 / -1]

15. [+1152 / -4]
Huge fried shrimp

16. [+1768 / -12]
...Speechless. Why not study instead?

17. [+842 / -8]
A fried prawn bowl, looks delicious

18. [+1159 / -4]
If that dress was green, she'd be a broccoli.

19. [+900 / -6]
Sea anemone

20. [+1405 / -2]
Doesn't even matter who wears it LOL

21. [+1066 / -3]
Her proportions are bad, so they put her in this? LOL

22. [+1162 / -5]

24. [+1507 / -15]
With her height, she makes everything look like a school arts festival. Tominaga Ai must've hated her being there...

25. [+1971 / -17]
It's that fried shrimp fairy that helped me the other day.

26. [+1582 / -11]
I get that her parents think she's cute but it will do her no good if they don't let her work on her own to get jobs that fit with her current ability.
It's not like she doesn't have any talent but if they keep pushing her into jobs that don't fit her height, she's going to turn into another Imalu.

28. [+26 / -560]
Koki-chan, you're overflowing with talent!!
As expected of Shizuka-san's daughter.
Don't let the mean comments by jealous netizens discourage you, please keep doing your best!!

With love,
Queen Shizuka and the Grand Family (Kimura Takuya)*
*Karei-naru Ichizoku, 2007 drama starring Kimura Takuya

30. [+1270 / -5]
When supermodels wear big dresses, it never looks heavy on them, but the dress look really heavy on her.

34. [+927 / -6]
Everyone's laughing at it but these designs aren't supposed to be amusing. Tominaga Ai-san wore something similar but it looked like art on her.

55. [+437 / -2]
I want to see it!

338. [+823 / -3]
She knows how to show off the dress, excellent posing. It really is a work of art.

There's a huge difference between her posing and Kōki,-chan's weird posing.
Around the level of difference between a piece of art and and your grandma's hand-crafted goods.

354. [+404 / -2]
Hey, grandma's hand-crafted goods are lovely.

359. [+301 / -1]
Those Kewpie dolls are so cute 😍

64. [+581 / -19]
Well, everyone looked like this...

83. [+277 / -6]
Chaos wwww

98. [+503 / -3]
The one in black in the middle is Tominaga Ai, huh
Is she the only one in black?
She suits being in the boss position

72. [+1981 / -17]
As expected

74. [+1172 / -0]
As someone from Kansai, this reminds me of Doyasa (LOL)
*Comedian Ima Kuruyo's gag

86. [+55 / -564]

114. [+180 / 3]
Gu-Gu Ganmo

91. [+879 / -0]
She has the head and body of an average person so they had to make her taller by making her hair bigger and putting her in heels, but that just threw off the whole balance, so she looks like a child.
If the theme was baby chicks or something, she'd fit right in.

128. [+305 / -3]
Don't know if it's what the designer was going for, but as a baby chicken, she does look cute w
The theme could've been goldfish as well. I've seen goldfish that are kind of plump like this.

92. [+164 / -6]
Where can you even wear this? w

101. [+391 / -4]
Looks like a kid buried alive in a mountain during autumn.

107. [+895 / -3]

111. [+176 / -6]
Wouldn't this have looked bad on any model?

112. [+271 / -1]
She's mentally strong.

If I had to wear that, I'd cry ww

117. [+632 / -5]
Koki-chan is tan so her makeup doesn't look good on her. Tominaga Ai was given good makeup.

142. [+991 / -6]
Tominaga-san looks mysterious and cool...
Gives off the same aura as Maleficent

160. [+506 / -2]
Tominaga Ai-san looks like a black swan, and >>1 looks like a chicken!

That reminds me, there's only two months until Christmas
Have to order a cake!
*Japanese families celebrate Christmas with fried chicken and cake.

174. [+530 / -2]
No matter how eccentric the design is, it's disrespectful to the dress if the wearer doesn't at least have the figure of a model.

224. [+293 / -1]
Yeah, she's pretty small compared to the other models.

193. [+285 / -7]
Looks like Kimutaku
He used to do his hair like this, right?

221. [+219 / -8]
Found this on the Internet

199. [+592 / -2]
Awful wwww

212. [+194 / -2]
From the side, she looks like an Onagadori (long-tailed chicken)
Onagadori are prettier though.

267. [+235 / -0]
I think the dress was supposed to look airy and fluffy and cute but because it's dragging on the ground it looks like a dusty mop. I don't like it.

226. [+389 / -0]
Reminds me of this
*Caption: Made a fried shrimp costume.

294. [+193 / -5]

307. [+309 / -0]
The other dresses were pretty bizarre too but the styling and makeup was very artistic and interesting. But Koki-chan's... I don't know what they were trying to do there. You can tell the makeup artist had trouble thinking about what to do.

415. [+248 / -0]
A baby 🐥 peep-peep-chan

425. [+292 / -0]
The other models had small faces and their walking was smooth, they looked great.

She's brave to stand among them.

474. [+252 / -0]

And the one and only!

478. [+ / -]
I wonder if that facial expression is showing that she's conscious of how out of place her body looks?

500. [+184 / -2]
She's extremely satisfied with herself!
Look at this picture, she's ecstatic!

Build is different from the other models
Stepped on the dress of the person in front of her
Didn't know what pose to do so she went "up" with her sleeves*

A normal person would break down crying!

561. [+191 / -0]
Like an elementary schooler who just finished her performance at a school arts festival, running over to her mother, like, "Muuuum!!"

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