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Long Lines Around Tokyo Railway Stations Following Typhoon

Source: livedoor NEWS, Girls Channel

1. [+353 / -29]

September 9: Train services on almost all railway lines (JR and private) in Tokyo were suspended due to the typhoon. Several lines were able to resume but the chaos continues.

Some trains on the Chūō-Sōbu Line (JR East) were able to start running but the ticket gate at Tsudanuma Station in Narashino, Chiba, flooded with people, and a long line has now formed around the vicinity of the station. Railway companies expected to resume services by 9 am but due to damage cause by the typhoon, trees falling onto the railway tracks for example, restoration of service has been slower than anticipated. According to JR East, the Yamanote Line started running after 10 am after they finished inspecting the railway tracks.


2. [+1763 / -17]
What, are they lining up to buy goods...

3. [+103 / -171]
It's probably really bad in Tokyo... but!! it's pretty bad in Kyushu too!!

4. [+1759 / -9]
The capital must be having a bad time.

5. [+2106 / -30]
It's fine to take the day off.

6. [+2043 / -8]
To have to line up just to go to work

7. [+1602 / -7]
At 12 pm, there was still a long line in front of the station closest to me because it was limited entry so I decided to take the day off.

272. [+226 / -1]
Limited entry?

Limited entry at a station??

It's like they're lining up for a concert!!

303. [+195 / -11]
I live in the countryside so please excuse my ignorance but
Whether you line up earlier or later, won't you all depart at the same time? Because trains are long?

331. [+129 / -1]
All cars are already packed full when they arrive at the station unless it's the first train of the day.

336. [+85 / -1]
Oh, I see. Must be tough.
That's why everyone wants to board the first train, right?

8. [+3458 / -20]
The darkness of Japan, having to go this far because you can't not go to work

9. [+1793 / -65]
They must work at unaccommodating companies
My husband came home straight away and is working from home.

10. [+1829 / -13]
If it were me, I would go home. Because I'm confident that my role in my company isn't so important that I'd have to line up like this to go to work (lol)

11. [+970 / -9]
This is the state of Japan.

12. [+2289 / -16]
The lines are neat and tidy.
THE Japanese

52. [+431 / -9]
Everyone's lining up properly.
It may seem normal but you wouldn't see this overseas.

13. [+1190 / -5]
Their companies should take the day off too.

14. [+1038 / -8]

243. [+79 / -1]
I was standing at this exact same spot an hour ago (lol)

15. [+1727 / -12]
The ridiculousness of Japanese companies that make you go to work even if you have to line up for hours.

17. [+360 / -12]
We're also rushing to clean the mess left behind by the typhoon.
The damage was small but it's still going to take a three-figure sum to fix.

369. [+5 / -66]
999 yen? 3 figure www
No way, right? (lol)

938. [+41 / -1]
Are you stupid?
No matter how you think about it, in this sort of situation a three-figure sum is over 1 million yen.
Stop exposing your stupidity.

20. [+670 / -3]
Looks like they'll get heatstroke

21. [+1366 / -7]
It would have been better if all the departments stores had closed for the day.
There aren't going to be many customers even if they open shop.

311. [+309 / -5]
It's because customers are coming in as normal...
I find this aspect of Japan really unusual.
Customers came to my store even on the day of the Tohoku earthquake.
It wasn't even for anything important

326. [+198 / -3]
The store is open so customers come.
Customers come so the store opens.
It's a vicious cycle.
It's ridiculous that workers and railway companies have to work themselves to death for customers who've come to complain that a store has closed temporarily due to a natural disaster.

390. [+65 / -1]
Even on the day of the typhoon people came even though buses and transportation services weren't running.
I thought people would at least stay at home during the typhoon. By the way, there were also customers who came the day before the typhoon to stock up.

22. [+1070 / -80]
There are too many people in Tokyo, to the point that it's disgusting.
Most of these people are heading to Tokyo, right?

86. [+266 / -9]
When you aim high and get a job through your degree, you tend to end up in Tokyo.
My friend is from Nagoya and worked at branch office in Nagoya but he was a good worker so they sent him to the main office in Tokyo.
You hear these kinds of stories a lot.

23. [+1286 / -22]
These people who have a reason to go to work even if they have to go this far.
Even if it's not directly, I'm sure that our lives have been indirectly assisted in some way by these people.
Thank you for your hard work.

818. [+52 / -3]
I'm pretty sure that it's not necessary for over half of these people in this line to go this far to attend work...

24. [+1123 / -13]
My company contacted me and told me that if I couldn't get on the train after lining up for two hours, I could take the day off. But it will be treated as a paid holiday.
I went back home and watched an afternoon soap opera for the first time in years.

25. [+307 / -7]
Abnormal scene w

27. [+642 / -6]
Just take the day off on a day like this

700. [+49 / -0]
I would if I could.
I work at a bank so I can't take the day off unless the Financial Services Agency says we can.
Isn't it the same for these people?
Unless the company says it's okay to be absent, you need show them that you tried your best to get there.
Companies and banks have no choice but to continue operation because other places will be in trouble if they're closed.
Unless the government tells everyone to start work in the afternoon or something, there's nothing that can be done about it.

29. [+1052 / -5]
Won't it be closing time by the time they reach their company? Is it that crucial for them to report to work?

30. [+714 / -6]
I used to live around there. I think I remember the first building there being a long distance away from Tsudanuma station.
To think that you can't enter the station unless you line up there...
The companies should take the day off too.

32. [+238 / -3]
I checked the railway app, for the first time I got a notification that tickets are limited.

34. [+659 / -13]
I got a message that my online order was shipped.
I thought, Oh, this person went to work too, thank you.

38. [+783 / -4]
I arrived at the company at 12pm.
First thing I did was eat my lunch w

39. [+485 / -5]
Seems like by the time they can get on, it'll already be time to leave work.

40. [+292 / -2]
It's like 3/11.
*Day of the Tohoku Earthquake

41. [+651 / -10]
I work at a dental clinic, all staff members commute by train but almost all patients either walked or took the bus.
Since they came all this way, I couldn't turn them away...
It was so busy, I thought I was going to die.

111. [+265 / -3]
The employees come by train but the customers live locally.
Yesterday, the trains were going to stop earlier so I closed shop early but a customer came. When I told them the shop was closed for the day, they got mad and said, "I came all this way."
Even though I closed early, by the time the last customer left, it was the same closing time as usual. The typhoon may not be here yet but they really have no sense of danger, I thought.
I somehow managed to be on time for the train.

Sorry for the long post...

42. [+495 / -6]
I did my make up but I decided to take the day off after seeing this.
Even if I go, I'll be so tired I won't be able to get anything done anyway.

43. [+1360 / -50]
Why aren't they taking the day off?
Is it something they will only understand after experiencing it multiple times?
Do they work at a company that will go bankrupt if they close for one day?
As far as money and work is concerned, it is truly over for Japan.

140. [+288 / -4]
There are some people who can't take the day off...
Bubble 1: It's the people who work like normal on New Years, Golden Week and Obon.
Bubble 2: The motivation on their faces is different.

881. [+56 / -1]
If the people who can take the day off do, the number of commuters will decrease and the people who can't take the day off can easily go to work.

651. [+221 / -1]
I'm a nurse.
There are patients so there's no way I can take the day off...
I walked four and a half hours in the storm to attend work.

50. [+548 / -29]
I left the house at 7am. The trains had stopped so I went back home and then headed for work again at around noon.

I hate this country.

51. [+532 / -133]
Our lives are made up of and supported by people of all types of occupations. Those people who are saying that they should just take the day off, I wonder what they are thinking in their heads.
If it's a job that wouldn't matter even if you don't go, those people wouldn't line up for so long just to go to work. Even though they know it's crowded and that there are lines, they have to go.

87. [+324 / -14]
There are probably are lots lining up here with jobs that would be fine even if they miss a day.

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