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Angry Mother Says People Without Children Should Be Banned from Disney World

Source: Joshi Spa!

"People without children should be banned from Disney World" – One angry mother's social media post has sparked discussion in America.

"Couldn't buy a pretzel because of a woman without children"!?

According to Deadline, it all started when a mother posted a claim against Disney World on Facebook.

"DW is a FAMILY amusement park!!!! yet these IMMATURE millennials THROW AWAY THEIR MONEY ON USELESS CRAP!!!!!
DW is for CHILDREN!!!! People without CHILDREN need to be BANNED!!!! Mothers with children should be allowed to skip ALL THE LINE!!!!

The cause of the mother's rage was apparently because the line to buy the Mickey pretzels her son wanted was long, and that many of the other customers lining up were "young women without children."

The mother vented her frustrations in an expletive-laced rant.

"This c–nt in some very SLTTY shorts was buying a Mickey pretzel and [3-year old son] wanted one but the line was very long so I said later and it broke his poor little heart and he cried.
I f–king hate childless women with a BURNING PASSION!!!"

The rant was originally posted last Autumn but went viral again after it was retweeted in July, the peak season for the theme park.

Many people took issue with the opinion that "DW is for children" and "People without children need to be banned", they expressed their disagreement:

– "The founder, Walt Disney, wanted the theme park to be a place where everyone could be happy."
– "Since ages ago, Disney World has always had attractions and amenities for child-free couples to go on dates or honeymoons."
– "Mickey and Minnie are the world's most famous childless couple!"
– "I actually do have a good idea of what it's like to stand in line for 3 hours with a cranky tired exhausted toddler. That's why I go to Disney World without my children."
– "If adults without children are banned, it would be impossible for all mothers with children to skip the line (because everyone would have children). Your logic is flawed."

Objections to the NY Post article, Disney is a gathering place for the millennial generation?

According to the author of this article, a New York Post opinion piece agreeing with the mother, "Sorry, childless millennials going to Disney World is weird," started another wave of arguments.

The author discusses the social media generation and compares them to the Yutori Sedai*. The author says that, just like the Yutori Sedai, millennials are an age group that have a different way of thinking. They are a social media generation that are used to being criticised, that's why they responded to the NY Post article in interesting ways. For example, joking about wearing t-shirts with the words "childless millennial" across it and gathering together at Disney Land. Dress code: slá´œtty shorts, gathering place: pretzel line.
*Yutori Sedai

The author doesn't think Disney will comment on this, but they understand why, because Disney World is a place for everyone to enjoy. Even so, the author thinks the mother's claim is unbelievable – no matter what the situation is, you would never see a complaint like "Ban everyone who doesn't have children from Tokyo Disneyland!" in Japan.

Source: Girls Channel

1. [+82 / -4022]
[Link to article]

It all started when a mother posted a claim against Disney World on Facebook.

"DW is a FAMILY amusement park!!!! yet these IMMATURE millennials THROW AWAY THEIR MONEY ON USELESS CRAP!!!!!
DW is for CHILDREN!!!! People without CHILDREN need to be BANNED!!!! Mothers with children whould be allowed to skip ALL THE LINE!!!!

The cause of the mother's rage was apparently because the line to buy the Mickey pretzels her son wanted was long, and that many of the other customers lining up were "young women without children."

2. [+4003 / -12]

3. [+4218 / -43]
Shut up hag

4. [+2309 / -10]
It's hot every day~

567. [+14 / -0]
It is really hot.
Take care to not get heat stroke!

5, [+2774 / -30]
Entitled parent

6. [+3645 / -17]
There are embarrassing mothers wherever you go

7. [+3169 / -23]
Stop reporting on what a small number of crazies are doing.

8. [+168 / -537]
She's right
Stupid Instagram girls everywhere

9. [+1027 / -17]

285. [+122 / -5]
It's the generation born between the early 80s and mid 90s.

296. [+131 / -0]
Isn't that generally the generation of mothers with small children?

510. [+32 / -2]
Is that right!
I didn't know that!
I'm in that generation

10. [+2095 / -38]
There it is, the entitled parent

Who does she think she is?

11. [+1339 / -9]
Too selfish

12. [+2321 / -11]
This is a mother
It's the end of the world

389. [+1 / -76]
There have always been people like this though?? LOL
It's not like it's anything new. There were heaps of yankees in the past so there were lots of claimants too.

13. [+1472 / -9]
Huh? Is this a real parent?
They're definitely trolling

14. [+937 / -5]
Wow, self-centered

15. [+706 / -57]
What is 'millennial sedai (generation)'?
Shouldn't it be millennium?

236. [+146 / -2]
Millennium is a noun, millennial is an adjective. Therefore, when "sedai" is added to it, we say 'generation of millennium' or 'millennial generation.'
When it's translated to Japanese, the 'no' in 'millennium no sedai (millennium's generation)' is omitted, and it sounds more natural as 'millennial sedai.'

16. [+154 / -288]
Kids on school field trips are a nuisance.

17. [+1799 / -5]
You say "Children should be prioritised!" but in the end, it's all about yourself.

18. [+913 / -53]
Disney is to blame for not letting us order it online.

484. [+15 / -1]
Just to make sure, you're talking about pretzels, right?
Unlike Japanese sweets that can fit in the palm of your hand, those pretzels are as big as a Sweet Boule bun.

488. [+3 / -0]
Also, in America you can mail order it without going to a Disney theme park.

19. [+948 / -4]
This type of person is in every country

20. [+453 / -8]
Is this real?

22. [+803 / -6]
So America has crazy hags who complain all the time too, huh

24. [+239 / -4]
Why would you make another thread like this in this heat

25. [+266 / -7]
Stop making threads to promote people who write pointless articles like this

26. [+1485 / -9]
"Standing in line for 3 hours with a cranky tired exhausted toddler"

That would be torture for a kid
Just stop
A parent should be deciding what to do based on the child's physical and mental well-being.

27. [+599 / -5]
That's a surprising opinion.
I have children but I've never once thought like that.

29. [+428 / -1]
Book the whole park then

30. [+581 / -3]
If it's hard then don't bring the kid with you

31. [+888 / -5]
Since when was dreamland a place for families with children?
It's supposed to be a place where people of all ages can have fun.

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