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Celebrities You Think Should Be Forgiven Already

Source: Girls Channel

Celebrities you think should be forgiven already

1. [+1711 / -1648]
Hirose Suzu

She was still mentally immature when she said those things. All the adults around her were laughing so she probably misunderstood and thought she was funny.

Caption: "Why do schedulers..."  "After becoming an adult, use all sorts of arithmetic to create schedules?"


In June 2015, Hirose Suzu appeared on "Tunnels no Minasan no Okage Deshita" (Food match segment). On the program, she was asked about her personality. She said she's "extremely dry and pretty cold and not interested in things like illumination (lighting) or night views." (video starts here) Ishibashi Takaaki (host) points up to the lights and asks her what she thinks about people who work with lights (lighting crew). She answers, "I wonder why, after being born you'd want to become a lighting guy when you're an adult?" Ishibashi makes fun of one of the lighting staff, everyone laughs.

She then says that when she sees how the staff have to hold up a really heavy sticks, she thinks "it must be really tiring", and wonders, "why would you spend your life recording actresses voices?" She goes on to say, "When you become an adult and as you get older and older, are you really fine with just recording voices with a stick?" Kinashi Noritake (other host) imitates them, "I don't want to record people's voices anymore!" (this screenshot* was taken out of context so it looks like Suzu said it but it was the host). She imitates them too, "Why did I become a sound guy??" Everyone laughs. Kinashi continues imitating the staff being sick of their jobs.
*"I don't want to record people's voices anymore!" was said by Kinashi.

They change the topic and ask her, "what kind of date would you want to go on?" She says she would want to go on a date with someone who decides what to do on the day depending on their mood. She doesn't like people who are particular about time. They ask, "So you hate drama filming schedules?". The hosts both imitate how they think she would act, "Why do I have to be in front of the Shinjuku Subaru building at 5am??". And then Suzu says "Why do schedulers..." (she pauses but the hosts egg her on), "...after becoming an adult, use all kinds of arithmetic to create schedules?"

Continuing with the Subaru building topic, Kinashi jokes "Why does it have to be in front of the building?" Suzu jokes, "Yeah, it could be at the side of the building." Suzu starts talking about location bus drivers. "Location bus drivers, too. They drive and sleep. Why'd they decide to be one?" Tunnels then makes fun of location bus drivers.

3. [+1429 / -208]
Love those psychopathic eyes in the first pic

6. [+1549 / -252]
Nah, it's not something you can just erase from your brain.

8. [+2274 / -33]
You're gonna get them riled up again OP w

29. [+1134 / -111]
If you think back to when you were a kid, I think you'd have thought the same thing. There are kids who say "I want to be an idol~" or "I want to be a cameraman", but at what point of time would you realise that a lighting technician or a sound technician is something you could aim to be? After all, TV never shows them.

30. [+791 / -160]
At this age, any decent kid wouldn't say something like that.

42. [+469 / -22]
No, that's an out.

43. [+ / -]
Remembered it after you posted.

44. [+ / -]
Looks evil

2. [+3033 / -307]
Dude, I'm not particularly angry at her.
I don't care if she was just a kid, it was plain rude.

11. [+497 / -65]
I agree

4. [+1727 / -191]
I want to see Kusanagi-kun in another drama already.

35. [+54 / -74]
Don't want
He's boring

5. [+129 / -425]
Koide Keisuke and Yamaguchi Tatsuya

7. [+306 / -562]

9. [+103 / -174]
Sukima Switch's sandfish incident

Girls Channel is stubborn.
*Concert in Akita. They made fun of a local restaurant. Someone revealed it on Twitter. People got angry at Sukima Switch.

10. [+1504 / -105]
Becky I guess
Still I hate her though so don't want to see her.

12. [+196 / -365]
Yaguchi and Becky

13. [+17 / -488]

14. [+662 / -23]
They just want something to bash
That's what it's like on anonymous boards.

15. [+36 / -836]
I want you guys to forgive Okai-chan
When you're at that age, you can't help falling for married men.
I, too, dated a married man when I was a university student.
*Okai Chisato (former C-ute), affair.

40. [+434 / -16]
Shouldn't a 25 year old know better?

16. [+772 / -351]
You write
And it's all ➖

17. [+696 / -28]
Anyone would want people to forget the mistakes they made when they're young and stupid.

18. [+1234 / -58]
Kitagawa Keiko's chopstick holding

19. [+28 / -451]
Miyasako Hiroyuki's affair

20. [+771 / -11]
*No. 1: Tsujimoto Shigeo's "Why don't cha forgive them?"

21. [+102 / -1082]
Uehara Takako-san. She was bashed so much I felt bad for her.

36. [+1623 / -57]
Uehara Takako caused someone's death so it's not something you can forgive

22. [+2133 / -47]

45. [+349 / -6]
Yeah, she didn't even do anything wrong.

50. [+539 / -4]
She didn't do anything wrong to begin with
There's nothing to forgive, just forget about the whole thing.

23. [+773 / -160]
"She was a kid so she probably didn't know" doesn't apply in this context.
I like Hirose Suzu but even I can't defend it.

24. [+1752 / -142]
People bash Tsuji-chan to this today
It's puzzling

25. [+2354 / -27]
The broadcasting network that let that air is scary
They must've been really angry [that their staff were mocked].

26. [+65 / -87]
Hamasaki Ayumi

27. [+992 / -22]
Takaoka Sousuke was completely blacklisted after saying he doesn't watch Fuji TV.
*See Wikipedia

28. [+853 / -256]
Hirose Suzu seems like she has a bad personality but who cares
I'm not going to forgive Becky and Yaguchi until they stop appearing on TV.

31. [+30 / -334]
Masahiko Kondo and the gold leaf folding screen. You hags are way too persistent.

32. [+1156 / -23]
It's not about forgiving or not forgiving Yaguchi
I just think she's trash. I still think that so.

34. [+76 / -325]
Tegoshi's shining trajectory

2010 Late-night date with Saeko
2010 Bar date with Oshima Yuko
2010 Watched the fireworks display with Masuwaka Tsubasa
2012 Wotas discover connection with Yonezawa Rumi (ex-AKB48) on her private Twitter account
2013 Karaoke goukon with Kitahara Rie (ex-AKB48/NGT48), employee live tweets.
2013 August 19 Went to Toshimaen (waterpark) with friends, disturbs the public
2013 Went to a karaoke bar he frequents in Roppongi to wish the store owner happy birthday but they aren't there. Enraged Tegoshi shouts "WHY DO YOU THINK I CAME HERE?!" As revenge, he goes to the bar's elevator hall, pees down the stairwell, and leaves.
2013 A photo of him and 17-year old Kito Momona drunk and kissing at a goukon leaks. Kito graduates (from SKE48), later becomes AV actress.
2013 September 17 Invites graduated Kito Momona to NEWS's 10th anniversary event, gives a limited edition voice clock (event goods) to her.
2013 Summer – Autumn Eyewitness reports of him with Kashiwagi Yuki, TV programs speculate
2013 Autumn – Early 2014 Trip to Hakone with Kashiwagi Yuki, Naeba ski resort (photos leaked)
2014 Secret meeting with Kyary Pamyu Pamyu is caught on camera
2014 Calls Uchida Atsuto (football player) out to a VIP room of a cabaret club in Akasaka he frequents (workers are university students and wear civilian clothes while serving customers). Uchida leaves after 5 minutes.
2014 Bunshun reports about a "1-day drinking bus tour" he held with 30 female friends, including minors.
2015 Rumours that he was sex friends with Takabe Ai who was arrested for cocaine possession
2015 Orgy in Guam
2016 Fireworks photo with members of AKB leaks
2016 Roppongi goukon, photographed taking someone home with him
2017 LINE leaks. Complains about "nonsensical" concert ticket rule
2017 Photo with guy suspected of stealing gold ingots leaks
2017 Woman sells bed photos (3rd time)
2017 December 17 Drinking party with 17 and 19 year old girls present. Video is released by Bunshun. Video of Tegoshi dissing Arashi is also released (released in June 2018)
2018 Drinking party with scandal-free Nogizaka member Nakada Kana
2018 September Drinking in Guam with underage female university student.
2018 November 15 Drinking party with underage 19 year old female junior college student. Made her drink multiple glasses of milk tequila and got her drunk (5th time drinking with minors)

38. [+923 / -45]
When I watched Hirose Suzu host Kohaku, all I could think was that this person has no heart. Like she has no interest in other people.

39. [+927 / -403]
I think the Becky hate should stop already.
I think people who say things like "she's a bad influence for kids so don't let her on TV!" are a bit strange.

41. [+762 / -189]
I agree
It's true that what she said was rude. I would understand if she was over 20 when she said it but she wasn't. Why are you all nitpicking over something she said when she was still a young and ignorant kid. What are you, her mother-in-law?!

46. [+43 / -119]
Ucchan's affair. Mr. Children's affair

47. [+437 / -52]
It has nothing to do with forgiving.
She's just an idiot

48. [+265 / -36]
The media is never fair with reporting affairs so I think those who were bashed a lot should be let off.

49. [+355 / -88]
Narimiya Hiroki
Accusations are just accusations

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