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Aspects of Countryside Life that Surprised You as a City Person

Source: Girls Channel

Aspects of Countryside Life that Surprised You as a City Person

1. [+2010 / -15]
One carriage trains are normal.

17. [+542 / -8]
And it's not an electric train either, it's a steam train (diesel)

2. [+1255 / -22]
Friends with your neighbours

3. [+2079 / -8]
Cars are necessities.

4. [+1333 / -9]
Paddy fields behind the train station

5. [+1248 / -10]
Fields everywhere

6. [+985 / -17]
Houses are built on a slope

7. [+1160 / -15]
The sky is full of stars, it's beautiful 🌟

8. [+1666 / -30]
Lots of people don't lock their doors

9. [+1210 / -7]
There's nothing in front of the train station

10. [+1980 / -4]
You need to be mentally prepared if you're walking to the station.

11. [+593 / -35]
Takes twenty minutes to reach your neighbour's house on foot.

12. [+46 / -60]
First date is at a lookout tower
*Fire lookout tower

13. [+1194 / -25]
Someone's idea of "countryside" will be very different depending on where they come from.
For example, I live in Sapporo. Sapporo probably seems like the countryside from the perspective of someone from Tokyo. But if someone comes from a place that looks like it could be in Japanese folktales, Sapporo would probably seem like the city to them.

38. [+299 / -30]
Tokyo is the biggest city in the world but Sapporo is an urban city no matter how you look at it.

14. [+929 / -11]
The local government sprays pesticides on the paddy fields with an unmanned helicopter. They send out an advance notice so I close the windows when it's being done.

15. [+1404 / -8]
I'm so used to traveling by car, I drive even if it's just a 5 or 10 minute walk.

16. [+549 / -81]
I was horrified when I found out that very few people lock their doors even when no one is home.
I visited someone's house for work some time ago and was shocked.
I immediately found the house owner and earnestly explained to them that they must lock their doors when they're out.

44. [+168 / -16]
It's the opposite
I would be shocked if someone's house was locked.

18. [+809 / -18]
My door bell rings at 6am ♪
"I've picked some vegetables, here, have some~"

19. [+407 / -6]
People have loud voices

20. [+1075 / -9]
Visitors say "Hello~" while they're opening the front door. They don't press the intercom even if there is one.

21. [+933 / -3]
People own two cars.

22. [+939 / -7]
No one walking around outside at 8 o'clock at night.

23. [+927 / -5]
Checking the time before going to the train station

24. [+743 / -3]
Daily monkey, wild boar and raccoon sightings.

25. [+982 / -2]
There are unmanned train stations.

26. [+475 / -4]
The number of abandoned paddy fields have increased lately.

27. [+591 / -6]
Shops close early.

28. [+456 / -5]
The shopping district is completely dark after 6pm.

29. [+813 / -6]
No one walking on the streets, because everyone is in cars.

30. [+339 / -3]
I watched this documentary about people commuting to work or school from Okutama* to the city. I thought that it was amazing how they rode the first train and traveled back and forth everyday. Places that have nature and places that only have nature are completely different... (lol)
*Located in the West portion of Tokyo

31. [+568 / -1]
There are so few scheduled trains, I can memorise the JR (Japan Rail) timetable.

32. [+1064 / -6]
It's not one car per family but one car per person.

33. [+474 / -39]
My neighbour checks and records down when my house's curtains are opened and closed, and when the lights are on and off everyday. When we run into each other in the neighbourhood, they ask me, "On the 〇 day of this month, your curtains were closed the whole day, what happened?"

34. [+708 / -3]
It's common for houses to have gardens or parking areas big enough to play badminton.

35. [+562 / -5]
Travel everywhere by car. It's inconvenient if you don't have a car!

36. [+370 / -6]
I live in Nagano but there are quite a lot of beautiful scenic spots that people aren't aware of. When I'm on the road, I hear birds that sound like they could be in Jurassic Park.

37. [+335 / -3]
In the first place, there are no train stations or train tracks.

39. [+464 / -6]
Impossible to walk to the train station

40. [+609 / -3]
If you casually decide to walk on an unknown path, thinking "I haven't been on this path before, I think I'll try to see where it goes" you will get completely lost.

41. [+568 / -7]
Places to go on your day off are family restaurants or large shopping malls.

You won't see people lining up for famous cafes etc.
The air is clean.

42. [+395 / -17]
If it's the remote countryside, it's normal for people to burn their rubbish in their garden.
It's like that where my husband's parents live. Apparently, they don't have the custom of taking their rubbish out to waste-collection points.

43. [+220 / -9]
If the snow is 3cm deep in the city, it's 15cm deep here.
The mountains are scary...

47. [+255 / -4]
If it's 15cm there compared to the city, then you live in the hills, not the mountains
It would be much deeper around mountains.

45. [+299 / -1]
There are only vending machines in front of the station.
Some stations don't even have vending machines.

46. [+155 / -4]
Nature is right next door so it's easy to go hiking or swimming in lakes.

48. [+228 / -10]
The number of people applying for the medical department at a national university is below quota for that region.

49. [+249 / -6]
Tissues and detergent, etc are sold prices that make you think "So expensive!"

50. [+260 / -2]
You can't just walk to the station
It'll take half a day.

53. [+160 / -0]
Digging for bamboo shoots and bracken in the mountains.

58. [+465 / -2]
It's normal to see four cars parked in front of a house

Grandpa's kei truck
Dad's normal car
Mum's minivan
Daughter's car, etc.

62. [+211 / -0]
It's a small world but it's even smaller in the countryside.

Even though the surnames are different, there are parents and children, siblings, relatives, etc. scattered everywhere. When you go to the supermarket, the shopkeeper says "ah, you're 〇△'s relative", and then the next day, gossip about what you bought and what time you were there has spread across town. It's scary.
Friends are also just as close-knit [as family].

63. [+299 / -2]
When the ambulance siren sounds, all the old folks run outside and shout "IT'S GOING TO ◯◯'s FARM!"

I was watching a detective drama in the living room, and I think my grandma mistook the siren coming from the TV for outside. She burst out of her room with incredible force and tore out of the house.

Grandma... It was the TV.

67. [+140 / -2]
Everyone gossips about everyone.
Festivals are really fun.

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