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Sawamura Ikki's Son Makes Surprise Appearance on Shabekuri 007

Source: RBB Today, Girls Channel

1. [+107 / -1410]
Sawamura Ikki appeared on the variety show Shabekuri 007 on the 17th to promote the drama, Nurse in Action. His oldest son, Daiki (18) made a surprise appearance, co-starring on TV with his father for the first time.

Sawamura's eldest son, Daiki is apparently 187cm. According to Sawamura, his son said that he wanted to be a model because he is tall. Cream Stew's Ueda Shinya asked, "So there's a possibility that you two will co-star in the future?" and he answered, "Don't want to."

Afterwards, Daiki made a surprise appearance at the studio. Sawamura, who didn't know, reacted with surprise and panic. "No way? Are you serious?!" "I'm sweating buckets."
When his son sat down next to him, Sawamura confessed, "I can sense his nervousness, this is hard!" Furthermore, when Daiki praised him, "He's cool when he acts in police dramas. He's cool no matter what he does." Perhaps to hide his embarrassment, Sawamura said, "Can you properly say dirty jokes?" This comment, which implies that people can't appear on TV unless they can say dirty jokes, drew laughs.

Sawamura is famous for saying indecent and dirty jokes on TV. At one point, he was even called the Perverted Baron. Daiki recalled that he hated having this sort of father when he was little. His classmates would request for the same sort of dirty talk from him. He refused by saying that he was different from his father.

2. [+7071 / -19]
Looks nothing like him.

3. [+4238 / -9]
They don't look alike.

4. [+4836 / -]21
Eh... So-so...

5. [+3447 / -15]
His face is puny

6. [+7834 / -14]
They don't look that alike
The father is better looking

7. [+3371 / -33]
My, his face is small and he has a good figure.

8. [+2093 / -10]
His son looks like a life-sized cardboard cutout.

9. [+4611 / -22]
His oldest son should do something about his eyebrows!! lol

He has a good figure and a small face but I don't think he'll be popular.

10. [+847 / -5]
Small face

11. [+2151 / -64]
I think he'll be handsome if he fixes up his eyebrows! Probably.

12. [+1477 / -17]
He looks around the same age as Sawamura Ikki

13. [+3443 / -16]
His dad is handsome but he's...

35. [+454 / -4]
This sort of thing happens a lot...

14. [+941 / -13]
Fukuda's face
*Fukuda Mitsunori - left

15. [+659 / -36]
His mole is so big it looks like a nose piercing, really distracting

16. [+1948 / -6]
He's really tall though
I was surprised that he looks nothing like his parents.

17. [+1382 / -7]
My expectations were too high...

18. [+1162 / -7]
He's even taller than Sawamura Ikki!!!

19. [+3099 / -9]
He didn't inherit a single one of Sawamura's good facial features

20. [+716 / -40]
He was quite a pleasant young man

21. [+1934 / -27]
Severely disappointed...

Even if they don't look alike, I expected an ikemen.

22. [+1674 / -17]
The father (Sawamura Ikki) looks younger

23. [+2363 / -13]
They wrote "Ikemen eldest son!" but he's not an ikemen.

24. [+2429 / -13]
Since he has no aura nor charm, he might be good as a model.
Because making clothes stand out is a model's job.

25. [+556 / -8]
Some fine eyebrows his son's got there

26. [+1028 / -14]
Doesn't he kind of look like Hiromi's son?
*Hiromi (comedian), Son: Kozono Ryo

27. [+647 / -43]
Feels like he overlaps with Mokkun's oldest son
*Motoki Masahiro, Son: Uchida Utah

28. [+676 / -10]
The birth of another second generation celebrity, huh...

29. [+974 / -8]
The Shabekuri members didn't know how to react either.

30. [+468 / -7]
Nagura's face www
*Nagura Jun, right

31. [+1191 / -7]
His proportions are good so he might be good as a model
I don't think he's suited for TV.

33. [+730 / -14]
Guess they're following after the Emoto family footsteps.

34. [+418 / -7]
Maybe he'd look better if he fixed his eyebrows and hair?
He plays basketball, right?

36. [+1498 / -6]
They vaguely look alike but the father is just too handsome. His father has strong features but his son has a salt face*
*Salt face

37. [+1076 / -10]
I think it would be better if his son only has a career as a model.
Sawamura Ikki survived because he has the face of an actor anyway.
And well, he can also act.

38. [+984 / -6]
Doesn't feel like an ikemen but he has the height, his face is small and he has the atmosphere so it seems like he would be better off as a model.

39. [+826 / -4]
His face is so plain!
I expected him to have distinctive features but the parents' faces cancelled each other out.
Why do most second generations have bland faces?

40. [+716 / -48]
Ugly son who is using his parent's connections
Work from the bottom like normal people.

41. [+882 / -3]
It said that he's 187cm? so he must have a good figure.
Maybe his face takes after his mother?

42. [+955 / -5]
I've seen Sawamura Ikki in real life and he was around 185cm!
His wife was tall too because she's a former model.
That's why his son is even taller~!

45. [+458 / -2]
Fukuda's face says everything

46. [+378 / -5]
Uhh, looks like a kind person!

48. [+871 / -2]
How could such a bland face be borne from Sawamura?

49. [+443 / -6]
That narcissistic hairstyle doesn't match his face.

50. [+664 / -9]
I wonder why the kids of celebrities all seem to want to appear on TV.

Even though there's nothing particularly charming about them.

51. [+419 / -3]
They don't look like father and son.
Sato Koichi and Motoki Masahiro's sons can't surpass their fathers either.
*Sato Koichi's son: Sato Kanichiro, Motoki Masahiro's son: Uchida Utah

52. [+290 / -49]
Oh, but if this kid walked down the street he'd draw attention because of his height and good figure. I might wonder, "Is he a model?"

53. [+292 / -3]
Kotaki Nozomu who's in the same drama* as Sawamura Ikki looks more like him than his son does.
*Nurse in Action

56. [+256 / -3]
We're only being tricked by his build and hairstyle, his face is average.
He's not charming or attractive at all!
And it's not like he's an ikemen by atmosphere either.

57. [+362 / -2]
He's Sawamura Ikki's son so I was on my knees in front of the TV waiting in anticipation...

58. [+446 / -9]
His wife is 178cm apparently.
They're a tall and handsome couple.
*Sawamura Ikki's wife, Yonishi Misao (45)

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