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Morning Musume '19 Announces 15th Generation Members

Source: Mantan WebYahoo! News Japan

Morning Musume '19 announces 15th generation members

Morning Musume's 15th generation members were announced on the 22nd. The new members are Okamura Homare (14) from Tokyo, Kitagawa Rio (15) from Tokyo, and Yamazaki Mei (13) from Hokkaido. Yamazaki was chosen from Hello! Project's training program. The members were announced through live stream via the group's official YouTube channel.

Okamura is 14 and in her second year of middle school. In the live feed, she introduced herself with, "I love meat so I want to eat a lot of it to build up strength." She admires Sato Masaki. Lastly, she said with enthusiasm, "I still have to work on my singing and dancing but I'll try my best to keep up."

Kitagawa is 15 and in her first year of high school. She commented, "I love singing and it's one of my strengths, so I will work hard to receive lots of lines in songs. It still hasn't sunk in, it feels like I'm in a dream." She said, "I will work hard to sing, dance, and perform at events so that everyone will feel that it was good that Kitagawa Rio joined Morning Musume."

Yamazaki is 13 and in her second year of middle school. She introduced herself with, "I love pandas so I will try my best with panda power," and then shared her thoughts, "I can't believe I'm standing here." "I will put in my MEI WORLD MAX so that my feelings will reach even the people far away."

Left to right: Yamazaki Mei, Okamura Homare, Kitagawa Rio

The new members are scheduled to appear in the Hello Project concert "Hello! Project 2019 Summer". They begin full-scale activities as Morning Musume members starting from the Autumn tour.

Morning Musume '19 members: Fukumura Mizuki (22), Ikuta Erina (21), Ishida Ayumi (22), Sato Masaki (20), Oda Sakura (20), Nonaka Miki (19), Makino Maria (18), Hoga Akane (17), Kaga Kaeda (19), Yokoyama Reina (18), Morito Chisaki (19), Okamura Homare (14), Kitagawa Rio (15), and Yamazaki Mei (13).

1. [+4242 / -353]
I don't know anyone anymore
I hear good things about them but don't really get the chance to hear their songs
Probably because I'm old...

New members, good luck.

[+126 / -27]
It was great around Nakazawa's time

[+106 / -79]
Only the people who don't know the current morning musume will say the older generations were better.

2. [+2034 / -497]
I'm relieved, they're cute and seem like good girls. From here on, there will be many walls and hurdles but I hope they can climb over them and become first-class idols.

3. [+1932 / -435]
Two ordinary people, and one kenshuusei
That's great!
To begin with, having more members that start out from nothing is better.
I think that's the basis of Morning  members that worked hard from the ground up.
Even if the auditions have been strict lately, I want this to be the general rule.
It's fine for other Hello! Project groups to start as kenshuusei though.
The 9th and 10th generations are slowly leaving so when the 11th and 12th generations become the front-runners, they have to make sure they don't decline.

4. [+780 / -183]
The group immediately feels young again! The group has gotten a bit large but I'll look forward to their performances from now on.

5. [+663 / -44]
Morning Musume is a long-running group. The new members will have to memorise all the songs and choreographies they've done so far. It will probably be hard but please do your best.

6. [+633 / -33]
How long will Morning Musume keep going for?
If they keep going like this, it's possible that the first generation will become grannies, right?

[+82 / -0]
Ishigura Aya has the oldest kids, I think?

[+119 / -9]
Tsuji-chan's daughter is already 13
It would be funny if she tried out next year.

[+97 / -1]
Ishiguro Aya's oldest is 19 this year.
She herself got married at 22 so it will probably be only a few years until we get the first OG grandmother.

7. [+450 / -50]
I honestly don't know any of their songs but I think the reason they don't lip sync at all is because they're working hard. They're all good at singing, there's a huge difference in level compared to other groups.

8. [+322 / -38]
I don't now any members but Hello! Project is admirable.
They protect their members, management is reliable
Completely different from AKS.
The fact that they still exist is amazing
It's something to be proud of.

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