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Johnny's WEST's Hamada Takahiro Posts Photo of Girlfriend(?)'s Home Cooking on Blog?!

Source: Cyzo Woman, Girls Channel

Johnny's WEST's Hamada Takahiro Posts Photo of Girlfriend(?)'s Home Cooking on Blog?!

1. [+1613 / -24]

On his blog, Hamada Takahiro posted a photo of a plate of stewed tomatoes with parsley flakes sprinkled on top, bragging, "Looks delicious, doesn't it?!!!"

Several days ago, he also posted curry and hamburg steak photos. Many fans probably believed that he had gotten into cooking, and that he had cooked those dishes himself.

However, some fans pointed out that before Hamada's blog entry was posted, the same stewed-tomato dish was uploaded in an Instagram story by an Instagram user whose icon is a woman's back view.

This brought about suspicion that the Instagram user is Hamada's girlfriend, and that those dishes were Hamada's girlfriend's home cooking rather than Hamada's own.

Fans scrutinised both photos, inspecting the shape and angle of the ingredients, how grilled the chicken meat was, etc. Consequently, it appears that many reached the conclusion that the two photos were showing the same tomato dish.
(Well-informed Johnny's Journalist)

Hamada posted the photo of his alleged girlfriend's home-cooking on Johnny's Web, which charges a subscription of 300 yen a month. The majority of the fans' anger stems from Hamada's lack of self-awareness.

"Feels very bad to be shown his girlfriend's cooking when I'm paying 324 yen every month. This sort of action clearly shows what kind of trash he is."
"'Looks delicious, doesn't it?!!!' He says, I feel like laughing thinking about it now. What exactly was he showing off to us?"
"It's okay if your girlfriend made it*, but when you drop hints by yourself, you're just an idiot. Are you even aware that you're an idol?"
*Sentence omits particles, could also mean 'It's okay to have a girlfriend'.

2. [+3878 / -42]
His girlfriend might have just uploaded Hamada's home-cooking before him!

3. [+645 / -19]
It's the horse person.

4. [+1534 / -20]
The person who looks like Kirin's Tamura?
*Tamura Hiroshi, member of comedian duo Kirin (Giraffe)

5. [+1776 / -125]
*It's done!!!
Looks delicious, doesn't it!!!
Looks so good!!! Digging in ðŸ˜³ ♪♪♪

6. [+1461 / -70]
Dropping hints is the worst

7. [+1376 / -21]
Going as far as studying the grill marks...

8. [+2970 / -23]

23. [+1422 / -67]
Looks kinda gross

25. [+3939 / -13]
Ah, it really is the same dish.
The people who found it are incredible w

41. [+1525 / -8]
Looks like the chicken at the bottom right in >>8
Matches with the middle lower one in >>5
The shape, size, how the parsley was sprinkled
It's easy to tell when the pictures are lined up together w

9. [+2367 / -13]
Fan's noses, top notch as always.

10. [+603 / -7]
Is that so.

11. [+61 / -160]
People who don't understand the meaning of "hinting at" are going to make a big fuss again.

12. [+1069 / -16]
The guy with sloping shoulders, right?

13. [+2740 / -146]
It's fine to have a girlfriend at least
When I take photos of my cooking, even if I'm by myself, I sprinkle stuff like parsley flakes over it too.

14. [+4892 / -24]
Being able to investigate like this
Johnny wotas have the makings of a detective w

57. [+927 / -7]
They're seriously amazing. Shorthanded detective agencies should scout these Johnny-wotas.

15. [+4883 / -19]
>before Hamada's blog entry was posted, the same stewed-tomato dish was uploaded in an Instagram story by an Instagram user whose icon is a woman's back view.

Instagram stories only last 24 hours, it's incredible that they were able to dig it up lol
The fans' special abilities are frightening as always

56. [+747 / -8]
It would mean that the fans probably suspected that he had a girlfriend and had every intention of confirming it from the beginning.
Hamada himself, in reality probably wanted to brag about his girlfriend but he didn't want her to be identified and harassed so he hid her. But he still wanted to boast so he posted it.
To post on an official fan-site, he's either implying fans are disgusting, treating the fans as a sources of income, or making fun of them.
I think it's a complete waste to spend money on him. They should limit themselves as ordinary fans and not pay money to subscribe.

16. [+3265 / -35]
A non-celebrity?
Wait, they specially searched for stewed tomato dishes, and juxtaposed all of them against Hamada's dish?

52. [+222 / -10]
I wonder what sort of people they are and how their faces looked when they did it w

17. [+2647 / -78]
Dropping hints would be considered tame.
It's healthier to have a girlfriend from the same generation than to be the lover of some weird old geezer or hag.

18. [+991 / -50]
It's okay, isn't it? It's not like they have a dating ban.

19. [+1004 / -31]
So many Johnny's dropping hints lately

20. [+2680 / -16]
LOL'd when I read "inspecting the shape and angle of the ingredients, how grilled the chicken meat was etc."

21. [+87 / -478]
Kinda lose interest when I learn they're experienced with women.

47. [+368 / -28]
Who do you think you are? wwww

22. [+1733 / -9]
>Well-informed Johnny's Journalist

What sort of occupation is that? w

24. [+833 / -16]
Johnny's same old "dropping hint" girlfriend 

26. [+1163 / -12]
They're probably dating.

27. [+381 / -119]
Was reminded of Taira Yuna and Hirano Sho

28. [+3215 / -18]
The sauce mark on the plate is the same.

29. [+3254 / -11]
I'm impressed that they managed to get this far.
It's amazing how they managed discover so much.

30. [+931 / -22]
If the location can be sniffed out by a dog, it's not called "alluding/hinting"

31. [+1230 / -52]
They're right. They are the same.
Looks yummy!

32. [+16 / -112]
They decided the Instagram account belongs to a female just because the icon is a woman? Were there other posts that proved that the person is a female?

33. [+697 / -23]
Unknown Johnny's

34. [+2277 / -11]
Forget whether he has a girlfriend is not, the fans who detected it must be incredibly obsessed.

35. [+1403 / -15]
They should have done some preparation before revealing their relationship to the public.

36. [+1117 / -37]
Johnny's sure like "hinting" women~
That female announcer was the same.

37. [+1160 / -16]
Caption: That's a fun outfit

38. [+2270 / -23]
How did they know that woman's Instagram?
Did they check every nook and corner, even anonymous accounts?
Could it be all staged [by Hamada and girlfriend]?

39. [+1217 / -16]
When you're in a relationship which you can't tell anyone, you start to want to let someone know, perhaps?

40. [+1580 / -45]
If they uploaded the same thing, then isn't it hinting?
Since the people themselves were the ones who uploaded it publicly.
As they uploaded it even though they had the option to not, they're only reaping what they sowed.

42. [+1848 / -22]
Surprised that they managed to locate it from a non-celebrity's Instagram account. Too scary

43. [+1741 / -27]
He has a personality that can publicly pass off his girlfriend's cooking as his own.
That's what this has proven, right?

44. [+1117 / -11]
It would have been funny if that Instagram account belonged to him too.

45. [+1317 / -15]
Why did he post it when it would obviously be discovered.
He doesn't have a trace of professionalism.

46. [+1772 / -7]
Anyone else think Hamada-kun's face looks like With B KOOJI* and Kirin's Tamura mixed together?
*Blouson Chiemi's sidekick

48. [+1047 / -10]
Even the male is dropping hints... The fans are pitiful.

49. [+1486 / -5]
The guy looks like he's super happy to post the photo w

50. [+957 / -14]
That's truly amazing.
They should make a living as a detective.

51. [+463 / -6]
LMAO they're the same

53. [+1303 / -3]
This would mean that the woman's SNS had been marked and was being monitored beforehand, right? I wonder how they pinpointed this person as a suspected girlfriend. I wonder if it came from an informant account.

54. [+805 / -3]
This woman's friends leaked it, right?

58. [+524 / -40]
I don't understand the mentality of chasing up on it until their eyes are bloodshot even though they know they will be shocked with what they find.
Wouldn't they be happier not knowing?
Or do they think that they're all equally his girlfriend and he shouldn't have a favourite?
It's not like they have a dating ban like AKB, right?

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