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[Chinese] Arashi 5x20 Album Weibo Threads

Source: Weibo

[Oricon] Arashi's best of album sells 728,674 copies on its first day

#oriconnews Arashi's 20th Anniversary Best of album [5x20 All the BEST!! 1999-2019] sells 728,674 copies on the first day! At the same time Billboard has recorded 740,114 sales. It is certain to be the first million selling album of the Reiwa era.

1. [+183] At the same time Arashi broke the record for the highest first-day sales by a male artist (Record was previously held by Japonism's 413,000 copies, they now hold the Top 5 highest first-day sales by a male artist)

[+34] If it hadn't sold out, it definitely wouldn't just be this much! Heaps of people didn't manage to buy it.
[+0] That's our Arashi [作揖][good]
[+1] What a shame...

2. [+22] Today's sales, 267,541. Total sales for two days is 996,215, tomorrow it will exceed a million.

[+0] Wow [鼓掌][鼓掌][鼓掌]

3. [+124] This album's first day sales is double the previous album's first day sales [泪][泪][泪] Arashi is amazing!! At this rate, it should reach 1 million by tomorrow. There are still lots of pre-orders at Lotte and Amazon Japan that haven't been shipped yet. There's also another batch in August (to ship) [泪][泪][泪]

4. [+104] If they hadn't limited the pre-orders, they would've sold a million on the first day [二哈][二哈]

5. [+93] Can't Johnny's do something? Sold out too fast [泪]

6. [+53] Ugh, I only managed to order the reprint [失望] Johnny's expectations were too low, otherwise they would've surpassed 1 million on the first day.

[+3] It's not that their expectations were too low, they just didn't want to earn money [挖鼻] Johnny's has a grudge against money.

7. [+20] And mine has already arrived.

8. [+9] Where do I buy it?!!! I've been looking everywhere!!!

[+0] Amazon Japan still has limited editions available. Will be shipped end of August. It will be counted in the sales volume after it's shipped.

[+0] Amazon Japan's prices fluctuate so be careful [兔子] I'm so happy it'll be shipped in August. Never thought I would be so happy to receive a text invoice [馋嘴]

[+1] You can have a look at the super topics*, there should be a lot of people offering services to buy on your behalf. If you buy it now, it can also be included in the first week sales!!
*Similar to a mega thread. Read more here.

[+0] There are some little sisters in the super topics who live in Japan. They might be able to help you buy the Limited Edition 2 and regular. Not sure about Limited Edition 1

9. [+15] From 2007 till now, 12 years, I have never regretted liking them. I express my gratitude to them for giving me strength during my lowest point. Even though their hiatus is coming closer and closer, I will still never forget how I felt when they performed at the National Stadium (Kokuritsu kyōgijō). 5x10 is in my drawer. How can time pass so quickly, in a flash it's been another 10 years!

10. [+1] Want all of them [泪] I want to contribute to the total sales but I'm too poor. It'll be a long time before I can buy it [泪]

11. [+0] Two of those sales come from me!!!!!

12. [+0] One of the sales is mine.

13. [+0] Waiting for the reprint [泪]

Source: Weibo

Arashi's best album [5x20 All the BEST!! 1999-2019]
Oricon 728,674

1. [+7] Day 2: 267,541

2. [+0] I've been wanting to know, it's supposed to be for sale on the 26th, so why are there sales numbers on the 25th? Someone explain to me.

[+0] Lots of online stores ship in advance so it will arrive on the release date.

3. [+0] So are the copies that will ship in August included in this count?

[+0] No

4. [+2] Awesome [赞][赞][赞]

5. [+0] Amazing!!!

Source: Weibo

#Arashi #5x20
Adding to wishlist [大侦探皮卡丘微笑][大侦探皮卡丘微笑][大侦探皮卡丘微笑] ​​​​

*See source for more photos

1. [+2] Today I went to Tower Records and there were only regular editions left.

[+0] (OP) Yeah [允悲] so I just took some photos.

2. [+3] Ahhhh which store is that ahhhhh. How come I didn't see any C, D, G no Arashi when I went? I've been wanting it arrgghh.

[+0] (OP) The Shibuya one

3. [+0] People in Japan right now are so lucky (cry)!!!

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