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BABYMETAL performs at Yokohama Arena, Ex-Morning Musume Sayashi Riho Also Appears

Source: Nikkan Sports, Girls Channel

BABYMETAL performs first solo live since establishing new system, Former Morning Musume member Sayashi Riho makes an appearance

1. [+312 / -14]
On the 28th, BABYMETAL held their "BABYMETAL AWAKENS-THE SUN ALSO RISES-" live at the Yokohama Arena. It was their first solo performance since establishing a new system following the departure of YUIMETAL (20) last October.

The live opened with SU-METAL (21) and MOAMETAL (19) appearing with three others wearing fox masks and cloaked in white. It was announced that one of the three would be a support dancer. After that, former Morning Musume member Sayashi Riho (20) took off her mask and she and MOAMETAL livened up the stage with their sharp dance moves. Vocalist SU-METAL shouted, "We wanted to meet you all! Let's make this the best day!"

BABYMETAL performed their newest song "PA PA YA!!" with popular Thai rapper F. Hero. They performed 14 songs in all. A second performance will be held tomorrow (29th) at the same venue. The two-day live is expected to draw 30,000 people. Their third album "METAL GALAXY" will be released on October 11.

Left to right: Support member Sayashi Riho, SU-METAL, MOAMETAL

2. [+42 / -179]
I don't know them, sorry.

30. [+214 / -7]
You know, you're not superior for not knowing who they are.

45. [+1 / -20]
I didn't say anything about being superior, what are you randomly imagining

3. [+66 / -3]

4. [+712 / -18]
This is amazing!! I wanted to see it!

5. [+710 / -4]
I can't see Sayashi's face

6. [+23 / -112]
Takoshi Riho...?

9. [+232 / -4]
Sayashi Riho

17. [+31 / -3]

7. [+38 / -98]
Still here, huh
At one time she was pushed unusually hard.

8. [+218 / -8]
Keep up the good work!

10. [+689 / -6]
Is Sayashi-san a temporary support member or has she officially joined the group or is she just performing for one day? I don't really get it, what does this mean?

22. [+279 / -2]
Isn't she just one of the three support members?
If she was officially joining, BMD would release a self-introduction.

11. [+22 / -73]
*Something that is finished or past its prime

12. [+491 / -17]
They're not popular in Japan but their tickets completely sell out overseas.

14. [+308 / -5]
Weren't they rivals at the Actors School in Hiroshima?

15. [+539 / -1]
Last I saw, they had started to look like a cult. Did they stop that?

16. [+11 / -36]
She should be called SA-METAL

18. [+415 / -91]
Sayashi could be the main [vocalist]! She'd have a good rivalry with SU-METAL!

20. [+93 / -23]
What, with that nasally voice?

29. [+377 / -9]
No way she can win against Su in singing. Sayashi sings like her throat is clogged so she should just dance.

40. [+334 / -1]
Sayashi sings in her own unique style which I really like but BABYMETAL is SU's voice so if she becomes an official member I don't think she should sing.
But it doesn't seem like she's going to join though.

19. [+179 / -5]
I want to see it!

21. [+504 / -6]
I was there yesterday but I didn't notice it was Sayashi
The start of their new chapter was so wonderful
That my eyes were glued on Su-chan and Moa-chan the whole time
It was the best concert
Babymetal, from here on, keep rising higher and higher!

23. [+276 / -4]
Working exclusively as a support member or becoming an official member, I think both options are fine
But if fans go to their concerts for the purpose of seeing the support member, it will cause trouble

24. [+592 / -4]
SU-METAL and Sayashi were the two-tops of the Hiroshima Actors School and they were rivals
This is an interesting development.

35. [+504 / -5]

25. [+7 / -46]
How old is the one with pigtails?
That's a hard image to keep up.

27. [+17 / -82]
I watched a video of them once because everyone was saying they were amazing and stuff, but all they had were stupid songs and all I could see them as gimmick idols.

28. [+3 / -29]

31. [+222 / -2]
That's a surprise!
So Sayashi's starting up again.
What agency is she under now? Free (no agency)?

34. [+223 / -2]
A press photo. The guy at the back is the guest rapper.

37. [+188 / -11]
I liked them but after YUI-chan quit their performances started getting weird and I lost interest.
I don't know Sayashi-san but I thought 'that feels wrong*!'.
*Doesn't fit in

71. [+125 / -4]
I think a lot of fans, even overseas, gave up after YUI-chan left.

38. [+219 / -12]
They've always been cute (♥Ãœ♥)

39. [+35 / -7]

42. [+7 / -117]
This the group that Girls Channel once said was even worse than AKB w
AKB is hated so much now you don't see that anymore w

46. [+406 / -6]
Their singing, dancing, and looks are legions above than AKB. I'm surprised there were people who said that.

44. [+238 / -1]
Apparently she's a one-day support member.

49. [+279 / -2]
They have another concert at Yokohama Arena today and then tomorrow they'll be in England for the Glastonbury festival. There's a 25 hour time difference so fans that say they can go will be there but the members will probably be going on stage without having slept. I expect that BABYMETAL will cause a huge sensation even at Glastonbury, which they say is the best festival in the world.

57. [+236 / -2]
SU-METAL and MOA-METAL yesterday

69. [+208 / -0]
I was there! I'm so happy they went back to their old hairstyles and costumes! The support member was tiny but I thought she was really powerful. Didn't think it'd be Sayashi. These two girls worked hard together back in their Hiroshima days, and were lauded as the 'geniuses' and 'monsters'. Them appearing together again makes me feel emotional. All three of them grew into beautiful people.

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