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Vegan Extremists Protest at Tokyo Odaiba Meat Festival, Kids Reduced to Tears

Source: Matome, Girls Channel

Meat Lovers Won't Be Able To Resist

The TOKYO 2019 Meat Festival and Osaka 2019 Meat Festival will be held during the golden week this year in Odaiba* and at Osaka Nagai Park, respectively.
*Odaiba is a large artificial island in Tokyo Bay.

The festival has a lineup of every type of meat you can think of: Steak from a popular Paris restaurant which is said to be impossible to book a reservation. Steak, offal, kebabs and more from a famous restaurant that has been published in the Michelin Guide for two years in a row. There's even a handy 700 yen menu with deep fried food.

Vegan Extremists Protest at Tokyo Odaiba Meat Festival: Kids Reduced to Tears, Festival Goers Put Off

Source: Matome

1. [+71 / 2179]
Vegans protested at the Odaiba Meat Festival again this year, putting off the festival goers 

*Become a vegan, Break away from exploitation [of animals]

Tweet from Vegan side:

・Continuing from last year, the Meat Festival vegan protest, organised by Vegan Lawyer Hakoyama, will take place every day on Golden Week at Odaiba, Tokyo. Twelve consecutive days. That's not going to be an easy feat. Anti-meat people in Tokyo, please give your support.

Tweets from Festival Goers

・Photos of animal corpses were displayed at the entrance of the Meat Festival in Odaiba

・That reminds me, some inconsiderate people were doing a vegan protest in front of Odaiba Meat Festival venue. They set up photos showing animal crᴜelty, and promoted veganism, but they should know it's not the time, place or occasion for that. Though, it is true that it made me reconsider a lot of things.

・Humans aren't the only species that eat meat. The point they should be raising is "eat happily without leftovers", not "become a vegan." They're sending the wrong message.

・My three year old son accidentally saw the gruesome photos, even now he looks like he's going to cry.

・WTF? Some vegans placed this signboard and lined up grotesque animal pictures at the entrance of the Odaiba Meat Festival which everyone was enjoying (~_~;) . Is veganism something you force on people?

*Do you want animals to be mᴜrdered?
*Pamphlet - Meat Fest 
・Meat, yummyyy wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

*Become a vegan, Break away from exploitation [of animals]
・The vegans have put a sign at the entrance of Odaiba's Meat Festival. Everyone should go there too, to take a commemoration photo of yourself eating delicious meat!!!!!!

・It ruined my happy mood. These radical vegans are under the impression that their thoughts and beliefs are correct. On top of that, they are forcing those thoughts and beliefs onto others in this manner... Are they aware that their actions go against normal behaviour? They're the same as a cult... It was really unpleasant. I had fun but now I feel sad.

(Warning: Article source contains images of animal crᴜelty. The source link can be found in the Girls Channel link above)

2. [+4793 / -64]

3. [+5457 / -98]
Then don't eat plants either

4. [+2974 / -43]
Vegan teɾɾoɾism

5. [+5041 / -134]
In that case, go tell the animals in Africa too. "Don't eat animals."

33. [+518 / -20]
Yeah, animals are preyed upon daily there.

6. [+3784 / -27]
Dumb way to protest

7. [+27 / -279]
This festival was on the news last year (?) for something, right?

27. [+395 / -6]
There was a food poisoning incident 2-3 years ago.

8. [+4110 / -152]
They're not killing the animals. They're receiving.

9. [+3683 / -112]
You eat daikon, don't you? You eat carrots, don't you?

10. [+3694 / -79]
Corn, vegetables, marine plants and mushrooms are also living things!

11. [+3029 / -42]
They ate all they wanted before, now they're changing their stance

12. [+1364 / -96]
The Downvoter Devil has arrived.

13. [+4354 / -36]
You don't have to eat meat
But don't force others to do the same

15. [+2170 / -106]
I bet they aren't Japanese.

16. [+2981 / -34]
Hey, if you don't want to eat it then just don't eat it. Don't drag others into it.

17. [+3021 / -40]
Humans have been eating meat since the Jomon period*
It's freedom of choice
*Between 1,000-300BCE

18. [+2819 / -23]
I wonder why people with extremist ideas [like to] push those values onto others?
They should just do it by themselves.

19. [+1802 / -57]
It's okay to kill plants?

51. [+382 / -11]
Apparently, things that don't move don't have intelligence so it's okay to kill them. That's why there are some vegans who are okay with eating oysters and shellfish.

21. [+1967 / -54]
Don't eat anything and starve to death. Everything is life.

22. [+1560 / -19]
Vegans tend to be extremists...
No matter how much you believe that you're right, if you use the wrong methods, it will only backfire.

Previous Girls Channel Thread: A Portion of Vegans in France are Extremists... "A Butcher is Not an Occupation"

23. [+2394 / -38]
I definitely won't kill animals for fun but I'm grateful that I can eat delicious food. Is that wrong?

28. [+2394 / -38]
A while back, the news reported that a very famous vegan actually ate meat.
He said that it was because after he became vegan, his body turned strange, so the doctor told him to eat meat.

29. [+1267 / -37]
Then, don't ingest anything but water.

30. [+1020 / -11]
When someone starts pushing their ideas and principles onto others, it instantly becomes shady.

31. [+1538 / -50]
So they did that at the the Meat Festival w
In front of the people enjoying the Meat Festival. Sorry but I kind of cracked up.

32. [+1423 / -51]
They should eat meat enthusiastically in front of that sign.

34. [+1010 / -14]
Feel free to have your own vegetable diet but don't force others to do the same

35. [+1211 / -21]
I saw this instagram or twitter re-post of a person eating meat in front of that sign with a very huge smile on their face on some blog yesterday but I can't find it now...

36. [+2450 / -25]
Vegans say that "people who eat meat are bad-tempered" but vegans are the ones who are bad-tempered and pushy.

45. [+1023 / -15]
They're cranky because they don't have enough protein, calcium, iron, etc, don't you think?

37. [+105 / -120]
Upvote if you've gone to a meat festival before or will be going

39. [+1383 / -74]
I hope someone will eat meat in front of those guys while cheering, 'this meat is so goood~!' and agitate those dᴜmbαsses

40. [+1222 / -21]
I wonder if not eating meat makes them cranky?
I kind of feel sorry for them now.

42. [+1084 / -9]
Vegan? Vegetarian? Vegetarian*?
I don't really get it but
Vegans don't eat honey or eggs either, right? Their food choices are pretty limited.
*Written in English

43. [+492 / -9]
Would this be classified as obstruction of business?

47. [+1075 / -13]
They snap easily because they only eat vegetables?
You'll have a calmer mind if you eat a balanced diet.

48. [+749 / -24]
Poor kids
I hope they weren't traumatised

52. [+536 / -15]
I had a look at the article. Someone took a commemorative photo of themselves showing off the meat in their hand in front of the "become a vegan" sign. Made me laugh.

62. [+342 / -4]
I don't oppose a person's choice to live as a vegan out of their volition.
But everyone has their own tastes so they shouldn't be asserting their own values in a place for meat lovers to enjoy.
Don't they realise that it's because they do stuff like this that they're hated even more?

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