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[Pictures] Please Show Me Your Bento

Source: Girls Channel

Please Show Me Your Bento Part 11

1. [+1768 / -145]
Since my daughter became a high school student, it's been bento every day.
I'll be making bento every day from the end of golden week to the start of summer vacation.

- Your own bento
- Your husband or boyfriend's bento
- Cute kindergarten bento
- Cherry blossom viewing or athletic meet bento
- Bento you made in the past
Everyone, please show me your bento!!

Photos you uploaded on previous threads are also welcome.
At any rate, let's post heaps of photos w
I'll be using it as reference.

Today's bento for a high school girl.
Egg and stir-fried wood ear mushroom.

3. [+1075 / -63]
Hey, that looks reasonably tasty!

6. [+321 / -319]
Looks like you spent a long time making it but the way you decorated it is...

9. [+567 / -25]
Will the lid close?

12. [+16 / -71]
Looks like you made it just for Instagram

13. [+658 / -16]
Nice~ it even has dessert! My mother just gives me money and tells me to go buy it at the convenience store...
Thanks for your hard work every day!

25. [+606 / -50]
I would add another sausage and take out some of the broccoli.
Still, it looks delicious.

2. [+418 / -272]
It's been 8 years, lunch is just this now
*Kikkoman soy milk

4.  [+28 / -9]
I already ate it...

5. [+731 / -219]
Would one broccoli be fine?

7. [+36 / -9]
I ate it (。ŏ﹏ŏ)

8. [+436 / -39]
Doesn't look like the lid can close.

15. [+287 / -24]
I agree
It's way too packed, the lid definitely won't close.

26. [+803 / -17]
>>15 Some bento box lids are arched so even if the food spills over the top, the lid won't press it down.

I think they use that type.

31. [+477 / -36]
Are you not aware of dome-shaped bento box lids?

10. [+803 / -16]
I've been making bento since April but it's amazing how many dish cups* get used up.
Maybe I'll change it for an ugly aluminium cup.
*Cupcake liners

14. [+607 / -25]
How about silicon cups?

34. [+868 / -42]
Silicon is hard to wash...

11. [+432 / -19]
Does she just hold the strawberry bowl around?

16. [+2818 / -26]
My son's bento

18. [+870 / -10]
Looks delicious (*´ω`*)

24. [+933 / -11]
You son's bento looks delicious.
Is he in high school? With so much rice and deep-fried food, it seems like he'll eat it heartily.

28. [+345 / -7]
It feels like "A man's bento!" nice~

17. [+107 / -79]
Seems little, don't you think?

19. [+1112 / -15]
I don't think the lids for Instagram bentos can close
This is an Instagram bento w

21. [+25 / -79]
What's so amusing?

20. [+25 / -17]
Will that person come here again?

22. [+19 / -187]
Why don't you try making it look nicer?

23. [+14 / -30]
The bento I made for my three sons today
It's probably nutritionally unbalanced (laugh)

46. [+146 / -13]
I always post pictures here but it didn't work this time!

27. [+494 / -13]
As I thought, everyone uses frozen microwave food or food that you can just deep-fry. Since you have to make it everyday.

30. [+2187 / -35]
Today's nursery school bento

33. [+84 / -11]
Where do the strawberries go?

35. [+2672 / -32]
This is my husband's bento.

91. [+202 / -2]
The eggs look delicious~
What did you put in the eggs?

114. [+188 / -4]
The eggs use Crazy Salt,* diced basil, and mayonnaise, I made it western style!
*Salt and herb blend

37. [+2141 / -29]
I was told to use a disposable container so

My second year junior high daughter's bento.

38. [+1760 / -30]
I bought the deep fried thing at the department store, it's a mince cutlet!

40. [+274 / -385]

41. [+17 / -321]
Looks gross. She would be bullied if she took this to school.

42. [+34 / -177]
You haven't even considered how you would close the lid, is this really a bento? Didn't you just take a photo of it, and then eat it right there?

43. [+743 / -17]
For silicon cups, doesn't the smell stick to the material? I used them once but my family hated it so I threw them away in the end.

44. [+676 / -6]
Guys, we're not here to rate the bento.

45. [+2516 / -22]
My husband's bento 🍱

48. [+11 / -120]
Please post a photo with the lid on and completely closed.

49. [+1783 / -41]
My kindergartner's bento

50. [+89 / -270]
She's already in high school, I think it's fine to get her to make it herself.
For lunch, I gave [my daughter] spending money and said "if you make your own bento, you can keep the money and buy whatever you like~", so she started making her own lunch.
Cooking will be useful later in life, too.

54. [+192 / -18]
That's fine but. Would you say that to your son?

58. [+484 / -16]
Our kitchen is small so it would be troublesome if they started making bentos in the morning.
Also, if they're in high school, I still want to make lunch for them!

64. [+679 / -19]
Parents will make lunch up until high school.
Nutrition, affection, they're important

71. [+216 / -10]

51. [+172 / -88]
Why do you all take photos of your bento?

66. [+606 / -12]
I get repetitive so I take a photo to document it.
And they also say things like "that meat you put in a while back was really yummy".

52. [+246 / -13]
Everyone! Ignore the trolls!

53. [+1068 / -24]

60. [+1332 / -36]
I started making it in Spring.
A young boy's bento.

75. [+532 / -11]
Bird chikuwa*, how nostalgic!
According to my kids, when they opened the lid, the beaks would be scattered everywhere (laugh)
*Jelly-like food product made from fish paste.

79. [+202 / -8]
The little birdies are so cute (*≧з≦)

65. [+806 / -93]

80. [+417 / -18]
I like these types of bento
Doesn't put on airs and is just as it is

77. [+395 / -13]
The silicon cups were good at first but you can't wash away the smell.
There's still a smell even if you wash very well with spray detergent.
Also, it takes up a surprising amount of space so sometimes I can't fit in the other things.
When you use the cute aluminium cups to make a family's worth of bentos everyday, it gets used up almost instantly. It's a problem.

83. [+623 / -7]
What's with the people who haven't posted their own bento and yet judge the people who have w

84. [+396 / -21]
You added the mini tomato because the photo looked bad, didn't you?

85. [+9 / -35]
The people using kaomoji are annoying.

89. [+27 / -108]

86. [+1036 / -49]
The grannies are fussing about how the lid won't close so I'll leave this here.
If you use a dome lid, densely packed bentos are OK.


87. [+88 / -477]
This is hard to understand, old hag

88. [+77 / -477]
It's missing your special lid. Redo it, hag.

115. [+293 / -12]
Uhh, it's there at the bottom in three different colours.

90. [+1271 / -36]

92. [+1252 / -34]
My older daughter's bento (laugh)

99. [+909 / -21]
>>92 here. The side dishes didn't get any better but here's another one.


110. [+1129 / -49]
When I posted this last time, you guys pointed out that the hearts were embarrassing....
Since then, I've been careful, but for now, here's my husband's bento!

118. [+376 / -14]
The hearts are cute! If your husband likes them, don't worry about what strangers think.

111. [+54 / -121]
I only give bananas.

124. [+974 / -35]
My bento

128. [+335 / -7]
My husband gets aluminium cups
My daughters use cute cups.
He doesn't like cute bentos, that old man.

129. [+776 / -27]
My kindergartner's bento (*^^*)

150. [+732 / -23]
My older son's bento (^o^)

162. [+377 / -28]
I made this for a school event the other day ^ ^
The yellow one had a dome lid and the food apparently moved around so the flavours were mixed together.
Dome lids have their good and bad points.

172. [+756 / -24]
I made this for my husband 10 years ago.
It seems it was a Pondelion.

179. [+1047 / -7]
My high school-aged son's and my husband's.
They're happier with lots of rice. It's good because it makes it easier for me!

181. [+116 / -8]
They all look delicious ( º﹃º` )
I found this topic after I ate lunch so I didn't take a picture~!

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