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Child Population has Dropped By a Third Since the Start of Heisei

Source: JIJI Press, Girls Channel

1. [+147 / -11]
On Children's Day, 4th May, The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications released child population statistics.

The estimated number of children under 15 is 15,330,000, 18,000 less than last year. This is the smallest decrease since 1950. The child population has decreased yearly since 1982. In the first year of Heisei, the child population was 23,200,000. In around 30 years, the child population has dropped roughly by a third, impressing once again the progress in declining birth rates.

Children account for 12.1% of the total population, 0.2% less than last year. This is a 6.7% drop from Heisei 1st Year's (1989) 18.8%. This percentage has decreased for 45 consecutive years since 1975.

Breaking down the total, 7,850,000 are boys, 7,480,000 are girls. The total was divided into age groups, with each group spanning three years. The lower the age group, the lower the population. Compared to 3,220,000 children aged between 12~14, it decreases to 3,210,000 for children between 9~11, 3,090,000 for children between 6~8, 2,950,000 for 3~5, and 2,860,000 for 0~2.

Looking at the child population statistics by prefecture as of 1st October 2018, Tokyo has increased to 1,550,000, 800 more than two years ago, and is the only city with an increase. The population in Okinawa has stayed the same, with the child population at 240,000. The remaining 45 prefectures have all had a decline in child population.

The prefecture with the highest percentage of children is Okinawa at 17%, followed by Shiga, at 14%, and then Saga at 13.6%. The prefecture with the lowest percentage of children is Akita at 10%, followed by Aomori at 10.8% and then Hokkaido at 10.9%.

Child Population and Percentage of Total Population

2. [+682 / -3]
We already knew this.

3. [+572 / -265]
Let's wipe out the eldery

4. [+1523 / -13]
Not surprising
Men and women have their hands full with their own problems. This may sound bad but I don't have the time to be concerned about other people.

5. [+774 / -3]
Already too late

6. [+1507 / -20]
There were simply way too many baby boomers, that's all.

7. [+1255 / -67]
Even if I do get married, I'll feel sorry for the child being born in this world.

8. [+1248 / -62]
If they get rid of stuff like PTA committees or kindergarten staff, I don't mind having two more kids.

9. [+1057 / -57]
It's because people had too many kids before

10. [+890 / -10]
Even if the era has changed... If the government doesn't...

11. [+1020 / -33]
The more old geezers and hags pressure young people to have children, the greater the birth rate will fall.

12. [+1022 / -11]
They say that there are too few children but most jobs are looking for temporary workers or freelancers.
If there are no jobs, having more kids will only make life harder.

14. [+963 / -16]
This is not a world where I want to have children.

15. [+751 / -7]
It's because having 7 or 8 siblings was apparently normal in the Showa period.

16. [+683 / -55]
Having 2 or 3 kids is common where I live so it doesn't really feel to me that we have declining birth rates.

17. [+32 / -153]
It's because the number of herbivore men* has increased.
They're pathetic
*Men who have no interest in getting married or finding a girlfriend

18. [+769 / -20]
If I give birth to a kid in this era, it seems like I'll get sick so I can't do it.

19. [+1030 / -21]
It's a society that treats it like a bad thing when someone does have kids. Everything is unfavourable in this society.

20. [+294 / -16]
Even if I want to have a kid, I don't have a partner.

21. [+75 / -185]
Japan's declining population is something to be happy about
I hope that the population will continue to steadily decrease like this.
Marriage is stupid so not getting married is the right choice.

22. [+607 / -24]
Just get the people who want to have kids to have kids.

23. [+444 / -56]
For men. it's economic strength. For women. it's age and appearance.

24. [+714 / -7]
Even though times have changed, the elderly are saying "Have two or three more"

I can't.

25. [+547 / -5]
People who will give birth will. People who won't, won't.

26. [+963 / -26]
We get criticised for not having children.
We get criticised when we give birth to handicapped children.

It's tough being a woman...

27. [+284 / -3]
In the infertility topics, there are a lot of people who say they have kids so I didn't have much of an impression that the birth rate is declining, but I guess it really is happening.

28. [+1090 / -21]
Even if you do have kids, they'll be killed by the elderly in cars.

29. [+26 / -109]
When I read these types of articles, I think 'Maybe immigration is necessary.'

30. [+535 / -4]
Kids cost money so...

31. [+102 / -40]
Japanese are being exterminated from this world.

32. [+755 / -4]
The Second Baby Boom* is a one of the reasons why we're having an employment "ice age", and why people can't find jobs or get married.

33. [+608 / -5]
Even though we don't even know what will happen to us when we become old, we've being exploited to support the lives of the current elderly.
The world will probably steadily become worse so I can't take responsibility for bringing a child's life into this world.

34. [+307 / -16]
Before, if you got married late, you could barely just give birth to one child, now we're in an age where it's normal to give birth even in your forties.

36. [+494 / -4]
People with money, and are mentally prepared, please have lots of kids!

37. [+387 / -7]
I'm single. I've had to change jobs a lot because of stuff like human relations, and looking for a job is really hard.
If I had a kid, I'd probably be deep in debt, or have to be frugal and be under terrible stress.

I once wanted to create an environment where I could have kids but now I just don't want to suffer anymore.

39. [+369 / -229]
I have two kids. They have a ten year age gap. I gave birth to the younger one when I was at an older age. I agonised over it for a bit but gave birth in the end.
Anyway, he doesn't study and is also bad at sports.
I can't help but compare that child with the older one.
I'm prepared for many downvotes but I thought, 'If it was going to turn out this way, I wish I hadn't given birth.'

41. [+209 / -24]
Unmarried women are criticised for having kids out of wedlock but it's time to stop saying things like that.

Because I was too fixated on getting married first, I'm now over 40.
Even though I wanted three kids.

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