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1. [+18 / -796]
Yahoo! News
A video of a person in Fukushima slamming her dog on the wall and trampling on it spread online. Following concerns of animal abᴜse, the police questioned the owner.
During the police questioning, the woman explained it was conducted as part of dog training. She wanted to know if her training methods were correct so she took a video to show to a specialist. Her family members uploaded it onto social media platforms.
According to the Nippon News Network news coverage, the woman said that "I was troubled because my dog bites people. If this bad habit can't be cured, I'd have no choice but take it to the public health center and have it put down. I did it for the dog's happiness."
2. [+1302 / -4]
I've seen the video. It was awful.
I hear they've identified the culprit.
3. [+1051 / -4]
Trampling on your dog is dog training?
4. [+754 / -4]
I'm so pissed!!
5. [+958 / -4]
Goody covered it but
It was so horrible I couldn't watch.
*Goody: Good Day - A Japanese News Program
6. [+605 / -4]
Excuses, excuses
8. [+1008 / -3]
I watched the video. How can someone like this even think that they can own a dog
9. [+1124 / -5]
This owner must be trampled and disciplined too.
10. [+828 / -1]
I saw this on the news just now. Even if you say that it's dog training, no one's going to believe you after seeing the video.
The owner is crazy.
11. [+647 / -5]
I just saw this on the news. This is animal abᴜse no matter how you look at it! It is not discipline at all!! I feel so sorry for that dog!!
12. [+942 / -10]
Not again... There was that poodle incident yesterday too.
People who abᴜse stray cats and abᴜsive pet owners should be erased from society, don't you think?
13. [+611 / -3]
I saw the news coverage on Goody. Her entire family gives off weird vibes. I feel sorry for the doggy...
14. [+350 / -5]
What do they think a living being is?
15. [+35 / -249]
In this dog's perspective, if it was going to turn out this way, it might have been happier being put down immediately.
Piece of sɦıʈ owner
16. [+1040 / -9]
I watched the clip on TV. It was inhuman.
She swung the toy poodle in the air by it's leash like she was doing a hammer throw, slammed the dog onto the wall and the ground, and kicked the dog flying.
The doggie was crying.
The owner's claiming that she was disciplining her dog but this is animal cɾᴜelty no matter how you look at it.