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Let's Sort Celebrities Into Hogwarts Houses

Source: Girls Channel

Let's sort celebrities into Hogwarts houses

1. [+1174 / -28]
Let's discuss -- If this person went to Hogwarts, the sorting hat would probably sort them into this house. I think Ashida Mana would be in Ravenclaw!

165. [+373 / -2]

339. [+168 / -3]
Ravenclaws are kind of stand-offish, I think she's more of a Hufflepuff.
She's talented and kind.
There's also Gryffindor but Gryffindors are sometimes too righteous and arrogant, which is why I don't think Mana-chan would fit there.

402. [+129 / -1]
Someone else probably already covered this but I wrote out the traits of each house (^ ^)

A strong-willed and brave student
Values daring, nerve and chivalry. The house has produced many great wizards.

An honest, kind and persevering student
Has been referred to as the 'house of dunces,' but has produced the fewest dark wizards.

Values intelligence, students have high academic ability
Very proud, tends to look down on others, hard to please, vain, individualistic.

An ambitious and determined student
Many students are cunning, strong unity because they don't get along with the other houses.

2. [+2062 / -6]
Darenogare Akemi


3. [+2001 / -9]

4. [+1462 / -5]


20. [+647 / -5]
Ashida Mana-chan is like Hermione
And Suzuki Fuku-kun is like Neville Longbottom
I think they're both Gryffindors

5. [+890 / -12]
I can name a lot of Slytherins off the top of my head, but I can't think of any Hufflepuffs. (LOL)

6. [+716 / -5]
Feels like this thread will by nothing but Slytherins www

7. [+1801 / -63]
*Hashimoto Kanna

14. [+23 / -168]
Tsk... The Hermione position is mine.
I, Hirose Suzu! I nominate myself for Gryffindor!

22. [+662 / -6]
Hirose Suzu... Gryffi–


26. [+127 / -5]

43. [+274 / -3]
"Not Slytherin, not Slytherin"

8. [+53 / -141]
Hashimoto Kanna

Hufflepuff, maybe??

9. [+943 / -4]
A Hufflepuff that looks like a Slytherin
*Date Mikio

10. [+1043 / -4]
*Kato Hifumi

60. [+472 / -1]
Other than him, no one else really fits in Hufflepuff w

Guess he'll be an alumnus?

117. [+262 / -4]
Ah! Umm... Ah~ Aku... Hahaha~
Aku, akuhio, akuhi... akushi... Um!
It's that, um, aku... ah, akushio! (Axio)
Hehehe (lol)

11. [+2102 / -6]
Tashiro Masashi


16. [+700 / -4]

36. [+831 / -10]
LOL Azkaban www
Putting the members involved in the Yamaguchi Maho case there too

45. [+547 / -5]
Adding Takagi Saya, Sakai Noriko, and Komukai Minako!

12. [+1198 / -33]
Hirose Suzu   Slytherin

17. [+421 / -3]
Adding her partner, Nomura Shuhei

13. [+984 / -12]
Dewi Fujin
*Dewi Sukarno

15. [+653 / -20]
Nagano Mei


18. [+334 / -7]
Sorry, I know Harry Potter but does anyone remember the traits of each house?
I've forgotten.

If someone writes out all the traits, I think it'll be easier to picture each celebrity in each house!

35. [+42 / -186]
Gryffindor → The traditional honour students
Hufflepuff → Airheaded kids with their heads in the clouds
Ravenclaw → Knows the ropes but isn't especially good at anything
Slytherin → Smart bullies

72. [+283 / -73]
My impression of Gryffindor is that they're brave and have strong personalities
Ravenclaws are smart

Yamapi is kind and gentle but he's also stubborn and is the type that does his own thing, so I think he's a Gryffindor.

42. [+292 / -137]
Talented, brave

Evil, like Satan

Background characters


49. [+371 / -8]
Gryffindors are brave
Ravenclaws are wise
Hufflepuff are poor students (they have other traits but I forgot them)
Slytherin are the bad guys

It's different from the official descriptions, but my impression of the houses is something like this.

57. [+368 / -2]
Gryffindor: Courage, fire, ruby, transfiguration
Ravenclaw: Intelligence, wind, sapphire, charms
Hufflepuff: Patience, earth, diamond, herbology
Slytherin: Cunning, water, emerald, potions

63. [+447 / -2]
The sorting hat song

You might belong in Gryffindor,
Where dwell the brave at heart,
Their daring, nerve, and chivalry
Set Gryffindors apart;

You might belong in Hufflepuff,
Where they are just and loyal,
Those patient Hufflepuffs are true
And unafraid of toil;

Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,
if you've a ready mind,
Where those of wit and learning,
Will always find their kind;

Or perhaps in Slytherin
You'll make your real friends,
Those cunning folks use any means
To achieve their ends.

88. [+280 / -2]
Wasn't it based on England's class system?

Gryffindor - middle class
Slytherin - aristocracy
Hufflepuff - skilled working class, clergymen, etc.
Ravenclaw - skilled working class, doctors and scholars, etc.

19. [+663 / -1]
Slytherin tends to be hated but it actually has a lot of excellent wizards (laugh)
It's just that a lot of them use their talent for evil.

23. [+463 / -6]
Takigawa Christel

40. [+193 / -2]
Let's put her s*xy husband there too

53. [+205 / -0]
He's an idiot though~ He doesn't seem smart enough to be a Slytherin

24. [+40 / -527]
Tsuchiya Tao   Gryffindor

25. [+451 / -8]
GACKT   Slytherin

27. [+382 / -6]
I'm not familiar with Harry Potter but is Slytherin the house bad people are put into?

28. [+551 / -12]
If they seem mean, they'll generally be in Slytherin. Like Kinoshita Yukina and Thelma.

71. [+398 / -2]
You won't be put into Slytherin just because you seem mean.
You have to be smart too.
That's why I don't think those two would be sorted into Slytherin

31. [+644 / -4]
Kikukawa Rei is a Ravenclaw

34. [+690 / -36]
Ayase Haruka

37. [+523 / -3]
Maple Chogо̄kin Kazlaser

38. [+524 / -10]
Dean Fujioka
An example of a Slytherin who lived honourably

39. [+451 / -4]
Someone who'd be the main character = Gryffindor
Someone with a nasty personality and looks = Slytherin
The warm and gentle type = Hufflepuff
Did I get it right?

47. [+210 / -2]
Something like that

And I guess the smart type is Ravenclaw?

48. [+495 / -1]
Iwago Mitsuaki, Hufflepuff

78. [+263 / -1]
Newt, the main character in Fantastic Beasts, was a Hufflepuff, right?

51. [+33 / -74]
Kitagawa Keiko   Slytherin

173. [+115 / -13]
She's Dobby

55. [+308 / -12]
Hirano Sho

57. [+206 / -3]


58. [+390 / -14]
Gryffindor, the over-passionate type
*Takeda Tetsuya

61. [+450 / -2]
If I actually went there, it seems like Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw would be really cozy.
Gryffindor and Slytherin are always clashing, I don't think I'd be able to let my guard down in those houses w

69. [+354 / -10]
Sakurai Sho
A Gryffindor in cahoots with a Slytherin.

73. [+305 / -16]
Hirose Suzu is a Slytherin
Her sister Hirose Alice is a Ravenclaw

75. [+297 / -0]
A fat mouse on school grounds

83. [+319 / -1]
Kanata Hongo   Slytherin

Future You-Know-Who

346. [+39 / -0]
You watched Kingdom? w

Yoshizawa Ryo and Yamazaki Kento are Gryffindors.

92. [+293 / -10]
Nishikido Ryo


98. [+422 / -5]
Asada Mao→Gryffindor

Kim Yuna→Slytherin

100. [+276 / -0]
Everyone's saying you can't put idiots into Slytherin but Malfoy's cronies were idiots, weren't they? w
Crabbe and Goyle, I think?
It's amazing I can still remember their names w

233. [+74 / -0]
Slytherin highly values pure-bloods

102. [+128 / -4]
Slytherin isn't where you put all the evil people!

Stop putting people you hate and people with bad personalities into it...

104. [+92 / -4]
Okay, then name one decent person who came out of Slytherin w

119. [+244 / -6]
Severus Snape! He turned out good in the end. It's hard to tell but I think he was a really good person.

105. [+207 / -0]
It's okay, we're just joking around w
No matter what people say about Malfoy, at the end of the day, people still like him

111. [+238 / -0]
Tsuji-chan   Dobby
*Tsuji Nozomi

118. [+239 / -33]
Hanyu Yuzuru

130. [+417 / -7]
Gryffindor's Quiddich captain Matsuoka Shuzo

132. [+305 / -0]
The Japan national rugby team's captain Leitch Michael-san, Gryffindor.
Because it seems like he has a strong sense of justice.

145. [+240 / -5]

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