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Announcer [Redacted] Has Affair With Pregnant Co-worker's Husband

Source: Girls Channel, J Cast News

CBC Announcer [Redacted]* absent from TV program & profile deleted. Adultery rumours spread on the internet. Network is currently 'confirming all facts'

*Identifying details removed on request

1. [+42 / -679]

[Image removed on request]
[Redacted] (born [Date Redacted] in [Redacted])

[Redacted] (24) was appointed as the sub-host of the Chunichi Dragons pro-baseball program "Sunday Dragons" in April 2019. Aside from this, she also appeared on several CBC television programs.

In June, an "adultery expose account" about [Redacted] appeared on Twitter.

The account claimed that [Redacted] had been having an affair for more than a year with a married male employee from the same station as her. The claims were accompanied by phone call recordings and letters the two exchanged, as well as LINE messages.

Afterwards, [Redacted]'s profile was deleted from CBC Television's homepage. She did not appear on the June 30 broadcast of Sunday Dragons.

The Twitter account that exposed the affair was subsequently deleted.

CBC Television is currently confirming the facts with related parties. [Redacted] has been suspended from all regular programs.

2. [+3023 / -17]

3. [+2733 / -15]
Well, if the claims were unfounded, they would've defended her to the bitter end. They're keeping quiet so you can guess why.

5. [+3199 / -10]
Must've been someone close to her if they were able to get even LINE messages.

6. [+794 / -9]

7. [+2400 / -58]
That reminds me, what's Raisin Makino* been doing lately?
*Makino Yumi, former announcer. Nᴜde photos of her with a man were leaked by FRIDAY in 2017. The man was rumoured to be pastry chef Yoshida Morihide who is married and has a child. (via Naver Matome)

8. [+3237 / -16]
Phone recordings and letters the two exchanged, as well as LINE messages.

Adultery is bad but how was that person able to obtain all of this?

9. [+3564 / -59]
The wife maybe?
As someone who has been cheated on before, if it's true, I want the cheaters to be socially sanctioned.
It's the worst when they get no retribution.

10. [+2686 / -5]
Don't really know but opening an "adultery expose account" is going deep.
Must really hate her, huh?

11. [+1463 / -10]
This is getting pretty big
Someone please compile all the information

12. [+771 / -32]
Is it true that she's f**k buddies with Chunichi's Okada --ya?
*Chunichi Dragons' Okada Toshiya

13. [+40 / -342]
Did [Redacted] give out all the evidence?
That's how the article reads...

14. [+1359 / -13]
If they were able to take pictures of letters, either someone close to them leaked it or they leaked it themselves.

16. [+1877 / -14]
It's this account
The complainant, who the hell are they?
[Image removed on request]

CBC Announcer [Redacted], Adultery Expose Account

I am exposing the adultery of CBC announcer and Sunday Dragons MC [Redacted]. Since March 2018, she has been committing adultery with Mr. N, a CBC director and husband of CBC announcer [Redacted], the former [Sunday Dragons] MC who is currently on maternity leave. On top of that, she also has a boyfriend, she's having an affair and two-timing. Right now, she appears on "Chant!", "Sunday Dragons", "Hanasaki Times", and other programs, but I do not want to see any more of it.

21. [+2314 / -60]
From the writing style, a woman definitely wrote that

53. [+787 / -41]
The one who exposed it was [Redacted]'s boyfriend lol

17. [+2697 / -29]
Who is there other than the wife who could've exposed this?

27. [+1161 / -169]
No one else but her

18. [+1978 / -39]
[Redacted] who took over the program after [Redacted] went on maternity leave, and then stole her husband.
[Image removed on request]
[Image removed on request]
[Image removed on request]

34. [+2139 / -247]
Average face. Tends towards ugly.

19. [+240 / -1877]
Definitely popular
[Image removed on request]

20. [+3703 / -13]
*From 2ch
This scene is scary. She's receiving flowers from her homewrecker right before she goes on maternity leave
She (wife) looked so happy too
[Image removed on request]

22. [+1145 / -16]
Announcer [Redacted] had an adulterous love affair with someone at work — gives me deja-vu

23. [+2157 / -29]
Can't think of anyone but the wife
She probably found the letters at home when he brought them back

25. [+2796 / -14]
I saw this announcer on Hanasaka Times once
She's 24, still so young
Having an affair with a senior announcer's husband (a producer?)...
And it's right before [the senior announcer] is going to give birth, pretty sleazy...

26. [+1278 / -6]
Left, the wife, [Redacted] announcer, Right, the one who committed adultery, [Redacted] announcer.
[Image removed on request]

March 2019
CBC director Mr. N (husband of CBC announcer [Redacted]) and CBC announcer [Redacted]'s phone call.
(In the second half, Mr. N hints at proposing)

Left, adulterer [Redacted] announcer, Right, [Redacted] announcer passing the baton to [Redacted] before going on maternity leave
[Image removed on request]

28. [+3518 / -17]
She's sleeping with the woman on the left's husband
At this point, they were already having the affair
She's boldly smiling right next to her...
[Image removed on request]

32. [+1085 / -12]

29. [+1883 / -14]
[Image removed on request]
*Caption: Producer [redacted on request], kind towards women

31. [+2328 / -9]
Workplace adultery
With a senior coworker's husband too...

33. [+1977 / -27]
The accusations are fairly specific
Out of the people who could know this much, there's the wife, if not, someone from the same department as her...?


Summer 2018
The two go on a stargazing tour in Achi Village (Nagano Prefecture), one night trip. They have a physical relationship, they meet once a week at [Redacted]'s home.

Autumn 2018
Mr. N's wife, CBC announcer [Redacted] is pregnant.
→Naturally, as they are in the same company and the same announcing department, [Redacted] knew that they were married and pregnant from the start.

Winter 2018
[Redacted] gets a new boyfriend but the physical relationship continues. Secret meetings once a week.

Beginning of 2019
They lodge at the Dōgo Onsen in Ehime. Have s*xual relations.
The day before this, [Redacted] has a private meal with Tomochika-san. Right after that, she and Mr. N have a secret meeting. They have a fun night at Dōgo Onsen.

February 2019
[Redacted] and Mr. N celebrate his birthday at an onsen hotel in Gamagori, Aichi.

March 2019
The affair is discovered. [Redacted] and Mr. N plot together and attempt to conceal it. After that, [Redacted], who wants to end the relationship, rejects Mr. N and the affair ends? (Unknown)

35. [+1667 / -14]
Female announcers are full of this type.
It's common for them to have a main boyfriend and another powerful boyfriend (pillow business, in other words).
Disgusting world.

36. [+3659 / -20]
The wife, [Redacted]
[Image removed on request]
[Image removed on request]
[Image removed on request]
[Image removed on request]

37. [+2463 / -11]
If it's true, she's got a lot of nerve.
If it's false though, I seriously feel bad for her.

38. [+201 / -393]
The work of the wife or a vigilante
Even if adultery is wrong, someone who exposes it anonymously like this must be pretty dangerous.

56. [+1991 / -4]
There's no way the wife could've gotten that letter

43. [+2503 / -10]
March 31 All smiles as [Redacted] replaces [Redacted]

That same night [Redacted]'s 「boyfriend」finds the letters, informs CBC

CBC questions [Redacted] (and [redacted on request]?), ([Redacted] says "I don't think adultery is bad"*) and in the end it's shelved.

June 「boyfriend」enraged, exposes everything to the world in a throwaway account ← We are here
*Full quote (from Twitter account): "Adultery isn't a crime, it's not the worst [thing in the world]. I can't understand people who think adulterers are bad." "For work, it's necessary to get close to married people in private and utilise [that relationship]. Work is most important to me." — [Redacted]

61. [+680 / -6]
So the boyfriend made the account?

45. [+2118 / -34]
Letter from the male to the female
Writing's so sloppy I can't read it

Dear [Redacted]
Thank you for celebrating my birthday. I was so happy that you reserved the place at the onsen. Now, there's something I need to tell you so I wrote two letters.

Last year, I was told I would have really bad luck but it was actually the happiest year of my life.
Because I got to spend it with you.

Your quiet side is cute, but despite that, you're always working hard. You're perfect in every way yet you're so humble. That's what attracted me to you. I loved you the most in the world.
I'm sure you can already tell but I still have special feelings for you. I'm sorry...
But, now to the point [of this letter].

Right now is your most important time as an announcer.
Romance is fine but don't immerse yourself into it too much. Like you were before, I want you to feel that your job is above everything else.
You can't succeed in the announcing world without luck.
Your senpai, Ishii-san* is a good example. He has a lot of work right now but even with his talent, if he didn't have that chance back then (free time slot), he would still be receiving work below his abilities.
*Ishii Ryōji, CBC announcer.

That said, even though you're only in your second year of your career, you're in four different programs, you're not held down by anything. On top of that, you're going to take over Sunday Dragon [t/n: his wife's program] in April or get another new program, you have the best luck right now.
Of course, your excellent personality and appearance is also one of the reasons [for your success].
*Brand of stationery he's using

75.[+1886 / -18]
Sent from the male to the female

Then only [Redacted]'s boyfriend comes to mind
He probably found it at her house

"[Redacted], the affair man, the wife, I'll drag them down with me into the depths of hell– The malice in that line is frightening

46. [+2332 / -11]
Besides committing adultery, apparently she has a boyfriend too.

48. [+2884 / -11]
Girls with common "good girl" faces/vibes often have affairs.

58. [+1835 / -5]
The wife is also an announcer and I don't think she would've done this.
This girl must have a lot of enemies.

62. [+2038 / -27]
This man is [Redacted]'s husband, his name is [redacted on request]
[Image removed on request]
*Caption: [redacted on request] Producer

64. [+2055 / -4]
I don't even know them but I want to know the details w

66. [+4639 / -25]
I think [Redacted]-san, the wife, is prettier

71. [+2468 / -6]
The letter LOL www
Did he use up his luck? www

73. [+2341 / -11]
The wife is going to give birth soon right? I feel so bad for her...

86. [+1693 / -19]
Apparently the one who exposed it was the boyfriend who was two-timed.
There are rumours that it's Tokai TV announcer N-shima H-aki.

128. [+296 / -5]
I just checked the homepage, he's not there???

171. [+917 / -3]
Tokai Television's N-shima-san was also deleted from the homepage.
*[Redacted]'s boyfriend is speculated to be [Redacted]. He did not appear on the July 2nd broadcast of "News One" and his profile was deleted from Tokai Television's homepage. (via Oricoma)

92. [+1399 / -9]
Will good town stationery get popular? w

108. [+2732 / -11]
[transcript of first letter]

114. [+2545 / -5]
good town 🤣🤣🤣

122. [+2001 / -5]
good town, stop, my tummy hurts www

127. [+2933 / -13]
(cont.) If there was another announcer like you from the same generation, they probably wouldn't be in such a fortunate position.

But you know, I think you already know this but when you start getting satisfied with having lots of jobs, that's the end for you.
It's the same in the pro-baseball world. There are lots of players that are satisfied with just becoming pro but what's important is making use of the chance and improving [illegible].
Also, I want you to work hard while carrying the feelings of the people who are working behind the scenes for your sake.
Of course, it's your life so if you don't want to change your lifestyle, you don't have to.
If that's the case, I don't mind giving you back the time we meet once a week, so please use that time to get advice from all sorts of people, watch TV to study, and better yourself.

The number one reason I act as if I want to meet you every week is because I want to immediately tell you the things I've realised.
Because I love the you who devotes herself to her job.

I will remember the time we watched the stars together in Achi village for the rest of my life. The first time you walked arm in arm with me was the happiest time of my life. The time we linked arms for the first time in a while at Dōgo Onsen made me happy too. I always save these memories in my mind but [thinking back on] how you only fawned on me at night makes my heart skip a beat.

If we were born in the same generation...

129. [+2254 / -4]
Where can I buy good town stationery?!

182. [+1150 / -6]
Will goodtown be the next eternal...?

188. [+2430 / -12]
goodtown coloured version 👍

192. [+1810 / -3]
If we were born in the same generation then...


195. [+1697 / -2]
The "You can rely on me any time you're troubled"* part at the end, it's overflowing with 'we've stopped having the affair but if possible, let's do it again" vibes.
Embarrassing poem w
*From second crab salad letter.

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