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Ohno Satoshi's 24 Hour TV T-Shirt Design Unveiled!

Source: Sponichi Annex, Girls Channel

Ohno Satoshi's 24 Hour TV T-Shirt Design Unveiled! Exceeds Expectations!

1. [+981 / -507]
Arashi are the main personalities for NTV's 24 Hour TV charity program this year. Ohno Satoshi's 24 hour TV shirt design was unveiled on Arashi ni Shiyagare.

This is the fourth time Ohno has been involved in the design of the charity T-shirt, and fifteen years since he designed it by himself.
2004 - Alone
2012 - Collaboration with Nara Yoshitomo
2013 - Collaboration with Kusama Yayoi

Drawing the idea from this year's 24 hour TV theme "Person and Person ~Together into the New Era~" Ohno Satoshi's T-shirt design is an intricate pen drawing of two tightly clasped hands, meaning "holding hands as we move into the new era." He explained that the various scenes and facial expressions drawn within the hands incorporates the message that, "Not everything is happy in life, in life you experience all sorts of different emotions, you cry, you scream, but even with all that, let's all help each other."

The initials of the Arashi members are written on the nails, and above the clasped hands is a single lotus flower in full bloom. "A single lotus growing in the mud. It's really beautiful. It's like life." The embellished lotus stem overcomes all pain and sadness, and lets a single flower bloom, vividly depicting the concept of "life".

The shirt comes in 5 colours: yellow, white, pink, aqua and mint (new).

2. [+3315 / -426]
The heck is that?

3. [+337 / -1440]
Huh? Hey, wait, it looks awesome, not even exaggerating.

25. [+530 / -57]
Why do I have to wait?

4. [+849 / -400]

5. [+314 / -574]
Don't care about Johnny's
Group of homos

6. [+3296 / -242]
Don't want it

7. [+5758 / -168]
I thought it looked a little scary.

8. [+1892 / -111]
Hard to wear.

9. [+1382 / -68]
Well, I get what he was trying to express.

11. [+1650 / -1433]
I think it's great.

12. [+2473 / -90]
Really unique.

13. [+2985 / -140]
Too many faces, looks gross

14. [+1666 / -220]
I thought 'wow' when I saw this.

15. [+1481 / -1353]
Ohno-kun has good design sense.
It's stylish and lovely.

16. [+3883 / -81]
He's good at art, but it doesn't suit everyone's tastes.

17. [+271 / -75]

18. [+1695 / -141]
Hypocritical program

Donate the appearance fees to charity!

19. [+1477 / -34]


21. [+1195 / -155]
I wonder if he's getting paid for doing the design?
Even though it's supposed to be for charity

22. [+153 / -357]
He has good artistic sense.

23. [+1293 / -276]
Seems like it would sell well at places like BEAMS*
*Japanese clothing brand

24. [+2006 / -416]
Eh? This is really good, isn't it?

26. [+954 / -405]
This level of artwork is wasted on a T-shirt.

27. [+425 / -87]
How much was he paid?

28. [+1281 / -550]
I always think the charity T-shirts look lame but it's surprisingly good this time!

29. [+1805 / -48]
Good, but scary.

30. [+1406 / -140]
It's totally better than when they create and print a stupid looking character on the T-shirt!!!

31. [+762 / -119]
I hate him but it's more amazing than I expected, he has artistic sense.
I wouldn't want to wear it though.

32. [+303 / -33]
Artist that Ohno-san likes ↓
Norman Rockwell (Link containing selected artwork of Norman Rockwell)

33. [+2265 / -109]
Think I like it better than this one

*2013 shirt, collaboration with Kusama Yayoi

34. [+1589 / -161]
Feels like a mentally ill person thought up of it.

35. [+1206 / -108]
It looks gross but I'll be bashed by Arashi fans so can't really say it out loud w

36. [+470 / -41]
Why is it always yellow?

37. [+131 / -221]
It's really good~
He should go into the fine arts field rather than be an idol!

38. [+468 / -71]


39. [+972 / -26]
Charity T-shirts can only be used as pajamas

40. [+926 / -96]
For someone like me with no eye for art, I think it's a detailed and amazing drawing... Sounds like a comment a grade-schooler would make but anyway, I think it's great! lol
I think the colour choice was good too.

41. [+879 / -89]
A simple design is better than an elaborate drawing like this.

42. [+457 / -43]

43. [+1253 / -61]
It has artistic sense but it's a bit uncanny when it's on a T-shirt.

44. [+889 / -111]
I don't like Ohno-kun in particular but I think that he's really talented.

45. [+713 / -204]
I thought that it'd probably be good and looked at it
And then thought, I kind of want one lol

47. [+622 / -54]
He wouldn't have hidden anything in an anagram, would he?

48. [+687 / -228]
The design is extremely good!
The concept that life isn't always happy is also really good.
Putting in the members initials is so like member-loving Oh-chan. Happy~!

49. [+682 / -89]
The whole design is so scary it gives me goosebumps!!

51. [+777 / -43]
Better than Nakamaru's design.

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