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Person Throws Juice on Nakagawa Shoko at the Movie Theatres

Source: Yahoo! News Japan

Image © Sports Hochi

On the 7th, Talent Nakagawa Shoko disclosed on Twitter a scary experience that happened to her at the movie theatres that day.


I had an extremely astonishingly unreasonable and shocking experience today!
Don't tell me that I've expended all my luck?!

Haah... I was so shocked

Have you ever felt your seat shake slightly at the movie theatres?
It's happened to me before but I thought that maybe it was an earthquake or the 4D theatre nearby.

When I was sitting normally and watching the movie, I felt my seat shake slightly. Just when I was thinking that maybe it was an earthquake or the 4D movie theatre nearby, the person sitting in front of me turned around and said "Stop [moving] your legs! [My seat] is shaking!" and suddenly threw juice on me. Eh? I was dumbfounded with shock. The movie was still showing and my legs didn't knock into the front even once.

I was very shocked but the movie was still screening so I kept silent and watched the movie, but I was so shocked, I couldn't concentrate on the movie.
After the movie ended, those people quickly left but
It was a totally nonsensical occurrence.

If the seats will shake at times, I wish the theatre would give a written warning, so that this sort of strange incident won't happen 😢

I'm sad.
I hope that this world will become a peaceful place where people who pay money and properly behave when they go to watch movies can be happy.
I can't remember what happened in the movie, so I think I'll go to a different movie theatre to watch it again.
My legs and clothes are all sticky with juice. I'm gonna cry... How could they.

I have decided that when something bad happens something good will definitely happen to balance it out.

You must not throw juice on people 😢

It's really scary.

1. [+39902 / -826]
She should have reported that person to the cinema staff!

2. [+29701 / -988]
It would have been better if she had told the movie theatre staff and gotten them to deal with it. It will take time for the staff to clean up as well.

3. [+22935 / -1447]
I think that the amount of weird people in Tokyo is proportionate to its large population. The same can also be said about the people who comment here.

4. [+9180 / -86]
That's horrible.
This is a matter for the police.

Nothing good ever comes out of getting involved weird people.
She should bring in the police or a third party to deal with the matter in a mature manner.

5. [+8891 / -68]
This is clearly a case for the police.

6. [+7712 / -74]
That person could have told her to stop first, but instead they suddenly throw juice on her...

7. [+7264 / -64]
I think that it happened at a cinema complex near TV Asahi.
There are 4DX screens there so the other normal screens also tend to shake quite a bit.
I heard that they've had many complaints about this for some time so the people running the movie theatres should use this news as the chance to properly solve this problem.

8. [+6611 / -337]
The person in front probably got the wrong idea, and thought that the reason their seat was shaking was because the person at the back was swinging their legs.
The person in front resorted to violence without confirming the reason.
But I think that Nakagawa-san dealt with it calmly and like an adult.
The idiot is the person in front.
That person will probably do the same thing again.
Depending on the victim, it won't end just like this time.
They will receive their divine punishment someday.
So she shouldn't be too bothered about it.

9. [+4193 / -99]
In order for this problem to not happen again in future, I don't think that it's good to stay silent and meekly accept the situation. The seat would have been damaged as well.

She's also a celebrity so doing this much shouldn't be difficult...

10. [+4173 / -56]
If it's possible, I want her to submit a damage report.
It's legitimate property damage and assault.

As there is a possibility that this man will do the same thing again to women who look weaker than him*, I want her to get the police involved so that this man won't produce more victims.
*Nakagawa does not specify whether it was a male or female.

11. [+3730 / -362]
Did she sit there wet and sticky until the movie ended?

Shouldn't she have stood up and explained the situation to the cinema staff?

I think that they would have probably been dumbstruck upon realising it's Shokotan and would have earnestly apologised.

[+311 / -10]
Perhaps she had a centre seat and she thought it would bother the people around her if she stood up in the middle of the movie.
We don't know how packed it was though...

[+185 / -13]
Nah, if there were people around her, they would have been splashed with juice too.
It's unlikely that those people would take it sitting as well, so maybe there wasn't anyone sitting around her.

12. [+3015 / -31]
That's horrible!
They should be arrested!

13. [+2550 / -26]
It's true that I've felt the seats shake when there's a 4D theatre on the floor below.

The person who threw juice on her probably misunderstood.

If she wasn't a celebrity, she could have immediately gone to tell the movie theatre staff, and demanded an apology, a dry-cleaning fee and a refund.

[+199 / -1]
But the movie theatre staff are nothing but unreliable-looking part-timers...

[+32 / -0]
If it was shaking because of the 4D theatre, wouldn't it have kept shaking?

[+75 / -0]
↑ That's why I think that the person who splashed juice on her thought must have thought, 'oh crap' and quickly left when the movie ended.

[+27 / -6]
Celebrities should still speak up when necessary.

14. [+1956 / -35]
If it were me, I would have immediately stood up and explained to a staff member. Got them to call the police and got the police to catch the person after the movie ends.
But if something like that really did happen to me I might be too scared to move.
There are some comments that say she "should do ~" or "should have done ~" but not everyone is strong, and there are probably times it's difficult for people to do things due to their celebrity status.
It would have been bad enough even if that person had only accused her, but throwing juice already goes beyond normal behaviour.
I think they will get in deep trouble one day.
I'm sure it must have been frightening, but it's best to quickly forget about it.

15. [+1626 / -56]
I wonder if Shokotan went to watch the movie alone. If her boyfriend was there, he might have helped her deal with them, I feel sorry for her. I want that bad person who nonchalantly throws juice on people to be punished. She knows the date, time and seat so she should be able to pin down that person.

[+206 / -4]
Yeah, if her boyfriend was there, there's no way he would have kept silent. But she's a celebrity so she would probably want to avoid trouble as much as possible. She's too pitiful. I hope that bαstαɾd gets his punishment!

[+62 / -8]
Casually dissing her lol

[+37 / -6]
I don't think that man in front would have resorted to violence if she had been with her boyfriend or a male friend.

[+39 / -0]
"It's better to have a man with you in case this sort of unpredictable trouble happens." Something is wrong with this country for people to need to have that sort of mindset.
By all rights, people should be able to enjoy going to the movies normally even if they're by themselves.

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